View Full Version : uni warnings for illnesses

21-09-09, 16:10
:weep: the dreaded S-F and the even more dreaded M

I'm scared, because apparently I'm at risk cos it's fresher's week :weep:

What can I do to stop these worries?

21-09-09, 16:21
what is it your scared off sorry i may be being thick? I dont know what the M is? x

21-09-09, 16:46
I don't think you more at risk than anyone who has to use public transport (which is most of us!). Just follow the guidelines about washing your hands. These warnings are always over-egged for us students because young people normally have 'adolesecent invulnerability' and don't think anything bad can happen to them - I wish I had that sometimes!

21-09-09, 17:17
tash - meningitis :( I'm so scared lol, sitting in my room desperately trying not to analyse every sensation in my body lol

21-09-09, 17:39
and I've got a headache now :( and I'm kind of tired

21-09-09, 20:32
i watched an interesting programme on tv on this very subject and a doctor on this programme made an interesting point, he said he did not understand why some of the medical profession thought young people were more at risk of sf and m when they went back to college/uni/school as these very same young people had been hanging out with each other all summer, so why should they suddenly be more at risk?........ makes sense to me...


21-09-09, 21:31
They always tell us young folk abotu everything because I think they think we bathe in our own filth or something with crisp packets and smelly socks all over the floor :p

Honey,you will be fine. I think they are scare mongering you all a bit.

Not to say,not to be careful etc but it's the same for everyone. Wash your hands etc.


22-09-09, 18:19
I know, I'm still scared and every single pain I get I'm panicing/monitoring, but trying to keep myself busy and have early nights etc lol, dettol every single thing haha and keep sanitising my hands lol!

22-09-09, 21:42
oh me, got dihorrea (can't spell) and a headache now, am scared :weep: am so tired as well :(

22-09-09, 23:04
If possible avoid your uni's health centre while they're still in "let's hand out leaflets about horrible diseases to everybody" mode. There will be posters about the m word all over the place. I just kind of desensitised to them after a while. I got given a card detailing m symptoms my first week, I still keep it in my purse, cos as long as I don't start applying the symptoms to myself (i.e as long as I don't look at it!) I think it's a useful thing to have in case one of my friends gets sick.

There's swine flu posters too, but they're more about general hygeine rather than symptoms.

They seem to focus on universities I guess because there's so many of us living so close together, some with somewhat questionable personal hygeine.

Just try and desensitise to the posters, because they're all over the place :(