View Full Version : virus triggered it off again

21-09-09, 17:04
so some have you have probably read how well i was doing. That was before this virus iv had for 2 weeks now. I seem to have gone from bring it on ill win to them old feelings of i cant cope with anymore of this. I keep catching everything but this one has kncked me right down physically and mentally. I have them old fears back, feeling on edge, cant be bothered with the bleep work keeps throughing at me and am fed up of selfish uncaring people. I feel i want to run away and hide. Has anyone else found being ill triggers it all off again

21-09-09, 17:07
Im sure anxiety strikes when we are at our weakest it does for me at least, im sure as you get over your virus your resolve will return

best wishes x

Carla louise
21-09-09, 18:24
Hey Denise, yeah it absolutely does because we feel so physically weak our minds go into overdrive trying to forsee and defend us from potential dangers. Ive just upped my dose of Citalopram and was feeling great but I have now got flu, can't breath, headache, feel like absolute crap and as a result anxiety/ negative thought patterns kicking in with a vengence. Just have to keep telling myself its because i'm ill, it will pass xxxxxxx

21-09-09, 18:28
My first proper case of it was triggered by a stomach bug, and even the doctor admitted this is normal and when he had a stomach bug he laid on the bathroom floor at 3am shaking and hurting all over, thinking he was about to die. I'm new here and have no idea about how well you've been doing or what triggered it before, but I really hope you pull through. Anxiety is really manageable if you just take things as they come and do things to distract you. I know with being ill it's a lot harder to get out and do stuff, but perhaps that work you got might be a good distraction?

21-09-09, 19:05
thanks everyone. Maybe when this virus has finally gone i will feel better. I think im terrified of going back to the way i was last year being too scared to leave house etc

21-09-09, 19:51
I'm still at the point of "Recovering from bug/gaining anxiety" so I know exactly how you feel. Just find distractions, go out, see people, do things. I know from reading all the tips and guidelines on here that it's a lot harder to follow them than it is to just read them and do your own thing, but at the end of the day you have a life you can live how you choose, don't let things like Anxiety and panic choose for you.

21-09-09, 21:43
Love,there is nothing worse than feeling like you are getting back on your game and then getting hit with something else..the old "what's the point?" thoughts creep back up and then it's the vicious circle all over again.

Been there,but at the ened of the day,I guess we need to jsut tell ourselves that it WILL go away and then we can be our wonderful selves again ;)

Viruses are so bad in that they do tend to linger but if you are feeling mentally run down with it too,it probably no doubt prolongs it further! Believe me! I had an awful viral infection in my lungs that just.would.NOT.GO! But I really tried to forget about it and it did gradually ease :)


21-09-09, 22:07
Hi Denise

I am gutted for you - you were doing so well. But you came through before and you will do so again!!!! I too have had a few bad days in a row jusy when I felt like I was back to myself but I have just started back to work and there are teething problems so all will be sorted out and the negative impact it has had will be resolved just like your set-back - we will get there. PM me anytime you feel like comparing notes. In the meantime.....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....
