View Full Version : Pets and anxiety

21-09-09, 19:15
Just a thought, I know when I have had really bad days, Bru our 14 year old Viszla really helped. Hes gone now, but at 14..........

Just wondered how many others felt that their pets have helped?

If I were feeling really bad, would cling on to him for dear life. His non judgement, his unconditionable loyalty - he was very calming.

21-09-09, 19:23
I'd say without a shadow of a doubt that my cats have helped.Many nights I wouldn't have been able to sleep if I didn't have a the big lump of fluff that is Charley laying next to me while I stroked and eventually nodded off. The beauty is he only stays next to me until I fall asleep, then he moves down to the bottom of the bed or the floor if it's hot/too many cats on the bed. It's also really hard not to smile when you watch kittens play, my Basil has what I call the head tilt- as soon as he does it I forget why I was even angry with him (until I find the mess of course by then he is hiding).

21-09-09, 19:26
Ah Luci, thats so sweet. I really think that animals know. They pick up on vibes.

Part of the family, always there, always the same, always loving.

21-09-09, 19:40
My pets help me loads, I have 56 of them and they can never say no to a cuddle


21-09-09, 19:44
Pickle wow !!!

What pets have you got?

magpie girl
21-09-09, 22:43
my house is like a zoo i have 9 parrots,2 dogs and a cat:D :D :D i dont think i could survive without them.Unlike humans they love you no matter what,always welcome a cuddle,and dont care what you look like and are not botherd if you brush your hair!!!!!!! they love you :D :D :D :D

21-09-09, 23:24
It must be time for pics hehe.

This is the lump that is otherwise known as Charley



Garfield, somewhat unorginal name but I didn't name him lol

And the kittens- Basil and Baxter. Believe it or not they aren't actually brothers and there is approx 8 weeks between them.



22-09-09, 04:50
How cute

22-09-09, 11:35
Hiya, yes, I have a cat too, she is sweet and seems to know when Im really struggling. I miss my old dog and keep entertaining getting another one. On good days I want one terribly then on bad days I feel i am not fit to look after one! Ahrgh!
We will see, I think pets are great, very grounding and theraputic, nice to see your photos..
love ruby

23-09-09, 09:01
I have everyhitng ranging from rabbits to dogs to hamsters, birds to fish to tarantulas. You name it I more likey have it lol ;)

23-09-09, 15:15
I have 2 dogs. When I was really bad with agoraphobia and anxiety they were my reason for getting up in the morning. Max, my Staffordshire bull terrier pulls at my duvet until he has got it all on the floor and won't stop barking until I get up..

For three years I could not go outside and so could not walk the dogs but they never mithered me. Now it is a joy to take them for a walk.

Max has epilepsy. He is on medication but still fits around every 14 days. He clusters which means he goes on to have 5 or 6 fits.

The nights when I could not sleep they were there by my side and took away some of the dispair I used to feel.