View Full Version : Alcohol

21-09-09, 19:15
hi i have suffered from bad health anxiety for a long time now and when i am feeling really bad i keep turning to alcohol . dont get me wrong not alot but a couple of glasses of wine on a night to calm my nerves.its amazing how many of my ''cancers'' disappear when i have a couple.... i was prescribed propranolol but due to weight gain i have stopped these on my own accord and wouldnt really like to take them anymore if possible. also i kept thinking they were so strong i wouldnt wake up again...hmmm. is this just me? am i making things worse? id really like to hear other peoples views on this?

vicky x

21-09-09, 19:57

You have no idea hun how many members here do the exact same as you.
I do and i know many others do too.
I am sure you will get alot of replies as this is a very common one for anxiety sufferers!

Take care

23-09-09, 22:25
i been drinking every day for the last 6 years to block my anexity out. now i am dependent on it and have to be detoxed.
i been going aa meeting's aswell.
im just so lost with all this panic and anexity i think it will never go. also i found out alcohol makes anexity worse so try not to do it so much.

23-09-09, 22:30
I dont drink so i cant really relate. Just be aware of how much your drinking. See if you can find a substitiute that wont be as dangerious to become dependant on. I know its really hard and its really difficult and when you find something that works it seems a bit stupid to give it up. But alcohol is one of those things that are like the really nice conman offering you a lovely holiday to a 5 star hotel that turns out to be a 2 star caravan in a ditch. It comes across as helpful and settling but in the end it will always get one over on you

24-09-09, 01:35
if you use alcohol to help you cope the chances of you getting mentally and physically addicted are higher.
my mum did the same thing.
if it's only now and again I think you'll be ok as long as your careful

24-09-09, 18:43
I've done exactly the same as you for years, now whether i'm on anti d's or not I have a drink so just be careful and don't let it rule you.

Granny Primark
24-09-09, 21:05
Like lisa said many of us have turned to alcahol in order to help get rid of anxietyand panic.
A few weeks ago I had a blood test. The result scared the living daylights out of me.
I have to go for a scan on my liver next week.
I didnt think I was drinking excessively and I knew I wasnt addicted.
However my doc said that some people can drink for years and it never effects them physically but unfortunately that isnt the case for me.
Ive stopped my couple of glasses of wine and am now tea total and feel much better for it.
I realise that it was making me more anxious and depressed instead of calming me down and making me relaxed.
Im worried sick about the results of the scan even tho ive been told by my doc that it should be fine.
Im just so grateful I had the blood test.

25-09-09, 00:09
Even on a few units a night you can get withdrawal (like sleeplessness) when you stop. Just be aware that your anxiety symptoms might increase over the four days your body is detoxing. Whatever you do, don't immediately replace alcohol with caffeine (this would make the withdrawal horrible).

27-09-09, 11:06
please dont get addicted to drink im booked in for a dettox tommorow and im very scared its a slippery slope drinking

27-09-09, 11:11
I've had a drink nearly every night for about 18months - I've always been a worrier (but never thought I had anxiety or any of the symptoms) and just thought a drink helped me stop worrying about small things. About 9weeks ago I had a panic attack and since have bad anxiety. As soon as this happend I've not had a drink since for fear of making me worse. I do question tho if my anxiety got slightly worse through not drinking as my body had become used to it. I've not touched a drop for 9weeks and really don't want to at the moment

27-09-09, 11:39
Hi all :)
I didnt drink for a very long time as I found it made my anxiety so much worse the following day.
I didnt drink when I went onto Citalopram but now that I have got used to the Citalopram and have no side effects anymore, I started having a tiny bit of red wine at night, which has gone from a tiny bit, to now having every night 2 small glasses, even though on the patient info leaflet for Citalopram it states to avoid alcohol. I have not noticed any effects from having a glass or 2.
I have told myself that I will only have a glass every other night but already finding it so that I miss my drink in the evening. I dont drink anything else but red wine now.
Alcoholism runs in my family and a member of my family has died due to problems it caused with their brain and liver.They had drank everyday for 30 years though.
Does anyone think that 1 glass or 2 of red wine a night would cause health problems???:unsure: I know its sad to say but I look forward to it and the past year or so has been so awful, with my breakdown, deaths, and illness, I keep thinking to myself, Why Not? Maybe I am looking for an excuse to drink? I sleep so much better though.
Someone tell me its wrong please? lol :blush:

27-09-09, 11:51
it is wrong cos 2 goes to 3, 3 goes to 4 eventually, im an expert drinker

18-10-09, 21:34
thanks for your replys. i found a lump in my neck tonight and first thought was PUB need a drink. unbelievably both of my parents are mental health nurses (!!!) so once i get the ''for gods sake vicky theres nothing wrong with you'' i seem to be ok again until the next physical or mental symptom. i really do feel for them my dad looked in tears tonight i so wish i wasnt this way id give anything to go back to pre anx/panic, it makes me feel worse knowing what im putting my family through. no amount of books ive read have helped. maybe i need a counseller. no doubt my mum or dad would turn up...!!:roflmao: