View Full Version : PLEASE LADIES!!! REALLY REALLY need advice and encouragement, possible ovarian cyst!!

21-09-09, 20:48
Hello all. I have posted more than once about some pain I have been having, and my fear of ovarian cancer. It started when I started birth control several months ago, is one sided, usually comes and goes, around the time of my period, and seemed to be getting better but this month was worse, much more a dull constant ache and menstrual like cramps at the wrong time of the month. Also I have been having stomach problems which have definitely improved and I was just chalking up to anxiety, but you know how it is. In the back of your mind there is that whisper that it really IS cancer.
So....after weeks of worrying I FINALLY went to my doctor about it. I was so proud of myself for going in, being honest with the doctor about all my symptoms, and she is very patient with my HA as she is familiar with me and sees it as a valid medical condition and does not let it affect her opinion of any real physical symptoms. She seemed to feel it was a cyst reacting to the birth control. To my disappointment she has referred me to get an ultrasound, because she wants to be sure, she couldn't feel anything during the pelvic exam. This is my third pelvic exam in six months (due to a nasty infection earlier this year) where nothing has been felt, but all I can think about is the cancer hiding deep inside me. Im sure many of you know the feeling that you know something your doctor doesnt. I cannot bring myself to make the ultrasound appointment. Every day I don't do it is like another day I get to know I don't have cancer. I don't know what to do. Is the fear of cancer every day worse, or knowing you have it? My doctor is very reassuring and of course thinks it is nothing bad, but can't say for sure in order to protect herself from getting sued in case it is. I have been very bad and done some googling and of course found stories of young women with similar symptoms who ended up with cancer. (I am 29). This is maddening!
I have suffered from health anxiety since I was a small child. I was always convinced that I did not deserve to live, and would die young as an example to others that fate is fickle and we have no control in life. I did have a very traumatic childhood, but still find it very odd that it led me to that conclusion, even as a child.
I am interested in hearing advice from other women who have had cysts or undergone ultrasounds. My main concerns are--pain in my leg on the side of the cyst. Could your doctor always feel the cyst with a pelvic exam? If I had one it seems like she would have been able to feel it? Did you have any stomach problems? Did the pain come and go? What kind of pain was it? Can even a small cyst cause so much pain? Is the ultrasound scary? I am afraid I will be able to tell from their eyes if I have cancer or not.
I just really need support and advice. I do not know if I can pick up the phone and make that appointment. I am secretly crying alone a lot and thinking of leaving my husband, and never having a life or children, while outwardly going about my business as if everything were fine. I am tired of putting my anxiety on other people and I feel like I just need to learn how to cope this time, not go down that spiral of panic attacks. But it does make me feel alone. No one trusts me to be able to deal with anything serious so I feel like I have something to prove.
I am sorry if I am rambling, I just really need help on this one. Please, PLEASE, anybody, advice, encouragement, a kick in the pants, whatever.

21-09-09, 21:08
:hugs: Oh Honey :hugs:
Poor, poor you :weep:

I really feel for you. You sound so terrified. I have a different HA (heart) so I can't comment directly, however I know what it feels like when you're in the depths of despair about something. Bless you :hugs:

I had/have Polycystic ovaries, so I had a scan years ago. It was painless and I couldn't make out anything from it anyway, lol. I know it's totally different to your cyst, but just to let you know that the ultrasound is easy peasy and nothing to worry about. However, I know it's the results you're worried about though, but I do think you should go and have it done. When the results come back clear you'll be so relieved! :yesyes:

Can you confide in your husband? I worry that mine will think I'm bonkers after the millionth time listening to me thinking I'm going to have a heart attack:blush: but he's always understanding and talks me down. Anyway, I really really feel for you. Sending you lots of massive hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

21-09-09, 21:17
Hiya sweetheart,first of the ultrasound is nothing. they just put jelly stuff over your tum and it sounds some sort of waves etc to a monitor.,like the ones you see when a lady is getting to see her baby.

I was actually due to get one a few weeks ago after having severe pelvic pain for almost a year and finally got told that it was a pelvic infection when upon returning to the doc I could barely walk..But I didn't go for the app!I slept in! I have to get another app.

Cysts in the ovaries are actually very common and for your own piece of mind love I would go have the ultrasound and the docs themselves will reassure you you are ok :) Sorry you had the pelvic infection also. Seriously..the worst pain of my life! Apart from the pain of anxiety ;) xx

Cell block H fan
21-09-09, 21:44
Yes ive had similar to this last week. Mine is on the left side. Bit like someone pinching me inside! Or a red hot poker. I would usually wake up feeling ok, but it got worse as the day went on. The last day it has been a lot better. So if its a cyst that keeps flaring up, its probably calmed down again.
I have had it for years off & on though & was actually sent for a scan, age 21 ish. I am 38 now! But they didn't find anything. The times between attacks are getting smaller though. I used to get it maybe once every few years, then once a year, I have had it a few times in the last 1 year. It lasts a week or 2.
I did a thread on it last week, called Ladies only. Its probably on the next page or third page if you have a look.

21-09-09, 23:50
I have had 2 cysts...1 popped and 1 removed. There are 2 kinds of ultrasound and the 1 they did on me was internal. They put a camera that looks like a penis in you, not very deep, and take photos. The worst part about it is that they won't let you wee before you go in and for me they made me drink all this fluid and I REALLY had to go! Now, they can usually treat cysts with a pill....and I want to say it is birthcontrol but may be wrong about that.
Just FYI....we all get cysts every month that pop when we ovulate. That is what pushes the egg into your tube. Sometimes, they grow instead of popping. When mine finally did rupture, I just cramped really bad and I started my period in the middle of my cycle but it was brown blood.
Good luck!

22-09-09, 16:08
im with you on this i have just had the scans and a hysteroscopy as i have very heavy periods and was anaemic, but she told me there is nothing there all clean. however i still have like a period pain, mid cycle and it really hurts, i was convinced i had womb cancer andthe pain is terrible, but the results say i just have heavy periods and thats it. hope you go for the scan its not bad, they put the equipment inside you to look at your ovaries, but for me it didnt hurt and im a right baby!! they also scanned my pelvic region like a scan when your pregnant, i would say go for it, it wasnt as bad, and i had tokeep getting sent outside to have more water!!!


28-09-09, 03:55
Hey, I want to thank all of you who replied, I got up the courage and have the appointment Tuesday, but of course feel like I am waiting to hear the death sentence. My husband is very wonderful and supportive and going with me, lately I have been trying to use other resources other than him though for support, because I dont want our relationship to become only about him having to take care of me everytime I get anxious. I do need to learn how to breathe, slow down, think, and deal with anxiety on my on.
So thank you again, ladies, for your replies and support. I hope I can return the favor for you. Keep me in mind on Tuesday! And I would still like to hear from more ladies who have had cysts, I just want to know how they felt and what you went through, I know youre out there!

Cell block H fan
28-09-09, 07:50
im with you on this i have just had the scans and a hysteroscopy as i have very heavy periods and was anaemic, but she told me there is nothing there all clean. however i still have like a period pain, mid cycle and it really hurts, i was convinced i had womb cancer andthe pain is terrible, but the results say i just have heavy periods and thats it. hope you go for the scan its not bad, they put the equipment inside you to look at your ovaries, but for me it didnt hurt and im a right baby!! they also scanned my pelvic region like a scan when your pregnant, i would say go for it, it wasnt as bad, and i had tokeep getting sent outside to have more water!!!


Sounds like you get ovulation pains, if they are mid cycle. I used to get them. Was handy for working out when I was most likely to get pregnant years ago, but apart from that, quite painful!

28-09-09, 16:52
When my scan 7 years ago showed lots of cysts (PCOS)..I had no idea. They didn't hurt or anything. And the scan was fine. My recent symptoms - very bad withdrawal pain - mean I'm going for another one soon, I suspect a cyst is misbehaving.

28-09-09, 17:33
Lindsay you sound so like me and it's awful all this worrying isn't it? I am 29 as well and have been having pains low down on my right hand side since last summer which at the time the Dr said was probably a cyst popping (I felt a popping sensation when in town). I am still getting the pains now but over the last few months I have had a constant stomach ache all across my lower abdomen. A different pain to what I get on the right hand side but still painful and sometimes has me doubled. I do have IBS (so the Dr thinks) but the pain I get isn't spasms or cramps, just a really painful ache.

I've also been getting indigestion and nausea all the time, another symptom of ovarian cancer. I have a Dr's appointment next Monday but am supposed to be going to talk about why I'm feeling hot all the time and my anxiety being bad for months. Haven't got time for anything else (only 10 mins allowed). Guess I am just too scared to mention it. I am on the contraceptive pill (Loestrin 30) for period problems (been bad since I started them at 12). Just wish I knew why I was always in pain, surely anxiety can't cause me to have stomach ache all day?

I've done a gluten/wheat free diet for 3 weeks and that didn't help. This weekend I start a dairy free diet to see if that helps.

Lindsay, if you ever want to chat please feel free to pm me. We seem to have very similar worries. All the best and good luck for your ultrasound which I am sure will be fine