View Full Version : hallo guys, just wanted to say hallo

21-09-09, 21:47
probably like a few people i stumbled on this site looking for answers. never posted on a forum before, so please, bear with me.

never realised so many others managed to come to the same sort of conclusions i do. struggled with this for years and it makes me feel ever so lonely.

just hoping to chat to a few people maybe to help me along the way on this bloody awfull journey i seem to be on.

i'll keep it short for now untill i feel a bit more confident but just to say hallo from me, 44 year old, single, often worried guy.

21-09-09, 22:22

You'll find lots of really nice, understanding people on this site. I hope you start to feel more at peace. You will get lots of support.

Kind regards

21-09-09, 22:59
Hi Inanx

I stumbled on here too , its a great site, lots of lovely people , a lot of whom are struggling too, , your right it is a very lonely journey at times , but there is plenty of support here to help us along the way. I had never been part of a forum before this one either, but i can honestly say, it has been a very positive experience... any way ,welcome, and i am sure you will settle in just fine.

Take care

P x

22-09-09, 10:03

I'm sure you will find alot of help here.:)

All the best


22-09-09, 21:26
thanks verymuch for the kind welcome, from what i've read so far everyone seems to be lovely people.

yes, it will be great to get a bit of support but also, in time, i would like to give some to others too.

bit difficult to know where to start though ...