View Full Version : Fearing or not liking change ....

21-09-09, 21:59
Who hear hates change in their lives and when it does happen your GAD or HA flairs up? I recently left the home I grew up in (I bought the place from my parents and had lived there for 40 years) for a new place. I am just sick - my GAD and HA are flairing like you wouldn't believe!! Just wondering if this is common for us anxiety folks???

22-09-09, 00:38
yes i know exactly what you mean..... we moved town in feb this year and though it was a great move and really was the best thing for our family and i really wanted the move my GAD and HA really flared up !!! now at 7 months down the line things are starting to settle, I think it is because this home is now HOME and feels familiar, good luck hun x

22-09-09, 17:16
I recently got promoted at work which was great and something I was desperate for. However a week and a half before starting I got my first panic attack and fears over my health which I've coped with for years have suddenly become like a weight around my neck.

Bizarre why this would happen when life is going well!

Cell block H fan
22-09-09, 17:44
Yes. I am a routine fan! And I dont like my routine messed about. I dont really go anywhere, apart from drive the kids to school, & go to work. Anything more I dont like, even going to the dentist is something I'm dreading in a week. I used to go out every other weekend, but the thought of that now fills me with dread.
I have joined a home swapping site, as we could really do with an extra bedroom. 2 people have been interested so far, but because its not in the exact area I'm in, I am not interested. I am safe here, been here 5 yrs now.
Another thing that was a bit traumatic, was starting work in november, I hadn't worked for 10 yrs whilst bringing kids up. I posted about the worry of having to meet new people & it was making me anxious, on another forum. Handbag dot come I think it was at the time! But I made myself do it & I'm glad I did now, as its helped us have a better standard of living. I cant imagine going anywhere else now though! Thankfully working for a supermarket meant they didn't get too affected by the recession & our jobs were safe x