View Full Version : Hey :)

21-09-09, 23:02
Hey everyone,

My name is Joellie. Im 19 and ive suffered from depression and moderate anxiety before and i think right now im going through a stage of more than moderate anxiety.

Im struggling to cope alone at the moment and need to go to the doctors to explain that i think THAT is the reason for how i feel as opposed to the depression.

I have a great boyfriend Nick who ive been with for 4 years and 4 months and weve made it through him going to uni and that being long distance and it seems something like anxiety is more challenging for me. I want to fix this as i cant lose him and i hope here i can find somewhere to get advice :)


22-09-09, 10:13
:welcome: Joellie,

Despite the difficulties you are going through, its great you have someone close who supports & believes in you.

I'm sure you will find this forum helpful... I certainty have.

Take Care
