View Full Version : Face/Arm/Shoulder pain

22-09-09, 01:41
I have had pain in the left side of face, which is cheekbone area, side of face, above eye and top and bottom of jaw, I have been to ent and she says sinuses are fine, also have pain that goes from shoulder into elbow and then into palm of hand, I have had every heart test done about 3 months ago, I have been to neurologist, had brain, neck and back mri done. This is driving me crazy, I have also noticed my heart rate is higher too. I am on a beta blocker so not even sure if its ok for my heart rate to be up either? Also, I have noticed that the pain in the arm comes and goes and I have had it before in the past few months but the facial pain started a few weeks ago and now seems like it comes and goes more often. I went to dentist last week thinking I had a toothache and he says I have two cavities but I don't think that has anything to do with the pain....can anyone PLEASE help me to figure this out and hopefully stop me from starting my panic!?!