View Full Version : Just sick of it >:(

22-09-09, 05:34
Hey all, I am going to make an emergency appointment with a gp today!

i have had head pressure for 3 weeks and for the past 3 days i have had this ringing or hissing in my ear.

My head keeps pulsing really hard.

I feel sick

Getting alot of face and temple pain

I cant stand it anymore, i just feel like a zombie!

I just cant believe anxiety can cause such unbearable pressure that really is constant and with only a few mins at best of relief.

Today at the back left of my head i felt i big muscle twitch! It just freaked me out. My body just feels so unsettled and on edge and shakey!

Im going to see if i can get up asap for an mri or something!

I keep thinking i have a tumour :(

I am only 20, The pain is not blinding just extremely unbearable!

Getting really annoyed guys ! I just cant function!

Veronica H
22-09-09, 09:12
:bighug1: It sounds horrible. I am glad you are returning to your GP. We know that anxiety can cause these symptoms but this check up will reassure you and reduce the tension if that is the case.


23-09-09, 04:16
I went a and e today. Got checked over and waited 2 hours . It was quite busy today. My headache was soo bad! one of the worst i have ever had. I went into the docs office. I told her what was going on.

She said, that although it wasnt what i want to hear but everything i mentioned sounded like anxiety.

I told her everything i was worried about. I said for my own peace of mind i needed to come up here and she said she undertood. She then talked to to consultants about my symptoms and they both agreed it was classic anxiety.

She said the way i mapped out the pain on my head with my fingers is exactly were tension headaches are, she says she gets them too. The ringing in my ear is the titinus cause by the anxiety and will go away in time.

I just told her what i was worried about, i,e lyme disease, cirulation trouble and she said i am fine. She looked at my past blood tests i had and records over the past two months she says everything is perfect and fine and not one thing was out of order.

Needless to say i was relieved again and the headache was not as bad. I came home and went to bed. I woke up a few hours ago and the pain again has really dulled down.

I am in disbelief that anxiety and your mind has such an impact on the body.

I told the doc this, i said its just constant worry . even when im relaxed i get it. she knew actually what i meant and said it is a horrible thing to go through.

She faxed my gp right away and she says the best thing to do is to start me on some anti depressants and not to worry.

Time to stop worrying :D