View Full Version : PLEASE HELP!!

27-10-05, 19:10
My anxiety has crept back up over the last few weeks just when I thought it was at a controllable level. Last Sunday I felt really panicky in the morning then I had to go to work (I now have a part time job as well as a full time job) I felt terrible at work but managed to last until the end. Went to work Monday morning and got sent to the doctors who said I had some kind of infection that is affecting my sinuses (he is aware of my anxiety) and prescribed anti biotics. I went back to work Tuesday and I wish I hadnt I needed some rest. I felt ok the last couple of days and today I was in a really good mood felt things were on track. I had to go to my part time job tonight as well and on the way I started getting quite bad pains across the top of my head on the left hand side only (I have only experienced this once before and that was last Sunday) it got worse and I really didnt feel right at work. The part time job is at an out of hours doctors and I was asked to see a nurse, I told them what had been happening (apart from anxiety) and they said the head pains are strange and arent really related to the sinus infection but probally nothing to worry about. I got sent home, got 2 minutes down the road and as I was approaching a very busy tunnel in the centre of Birmingham in rush hour I had the worst panic attack I have ever had and I was driving. I pulled over literally in the very busy tunnel tried to calm myself down, it took a while. I managed to drive home but didnt feel right at all I am home now and feel okish. The main thing that is worrying me is these head pains, if they arent sinus related please could anyone else say if they have experienced the with anxiety? I really tried to stand up to anxiety today but it came back and beat me to a pulp. Sorry this post is so long, and if you are still reading, thank you.

27-10-05, 19:18
how strange i had a similar feeling today that washed over my head , have been having headaches for bout two weeks and have now started to stress bout it
i think if you had any thing to worry about it would have happened immedieately however if you really worried phone nhs direct and explain they are good i find
if you feel okish now i would focus on that well done for gettin home head pains can be caused by tension and this may be due to anxiety returning thats wot i am telling myself as mine returned recently. have a radox bath and try to stay positive and logical hope this helps feel free to pm me
take care

27-10-05, 19:24
Thanks Dan, it's honestly very reassuring. Certainly need to relax tonight. Head feels strange but I think it's down to the sinus infection. Thankfully the pain across the top of my head has now stopped. Thanks again, and good luck in your battle with anxiety.

27-10-05, 20:54
Headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2098)
headaches (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4794)
tender spots on head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4889)
Tension headaches! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5660)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

27-10-05, 21:10

Can you describe the pain more?

I guess i get quite a tight head and also get shock in the head a bit?

I would just wait till you are better they might just go!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

28-10-05, 08:55
Thanks for your posts guys,


The pain goes from the top of my forehead and across the top, stopping where the back of my head starts and it is only on the left hand side. I havent had any this morning but the whole left side of my brain feels a bit tingly.

Clive Edwards
28-10-05, 10:36
Hi just logged on for the first time in a while.

I don't get pains in my head but in my chest. They usually pass ( i'm sure its all part of the panic ) but they scare the heck out of me. I fear i'm having or going to have a heart attack or some other terrifying problem. It gets me down. Sometimes i feel ok aafter a few minutes or hours and other times it knocks me off axis for a few days. Deep down i'm sure its panic as i've been to the doctors and the A & E. All the vitals are OK. So its in the mind.

I can feel my tension and the panic is rising (has been for a while now) its doing me good to waffle a bit.

I'm sure your pains are just headaches probably brought on by tension and lack of good rest. I always feel more panicky when i'm tired.

Keep your chin up



28-10-05, 10:43
Thanks for your post Clive, I have had similair problems with my chest as well. Even had an ambulance come out only to find there is nothing physically wrong with me. I'm hoping its just down to tiredness and extra stress. Having 2 jobs is really taking it's toll on me. I cant quit it yet as I have had to use the extra income to get a mortgage, hopefully I can quit the part time job in a few weeks. Good luck with your anxiety Clive.

28-10-05, 11:47
Hiya Richard,

I know compleatly where you are coming from.

The day i first had my first major panic attack, i had really bad head pains too which wrere differnt and that id never had before, an di do still get them when my anxiety is worse.

Im sure that it is all down to anxiety - it is stressful holding down 2 jobs for anyone, so its probably just hit you a bit harder - and im not sure what the part time job fully invovles, did you say it was out of hours doctors? because maybe if you are speaking to people who are a bit distressed then it is having an effect on you? ...i might be compleatly wrong there as im not entirley sure what the job involves!

Take some time to really try and relax - i find the best way for me to to lay down, close my eyes, and imagin myself walking on a beach or in a forst and trying to picture the sounds and smells and feelings etc....its worth a try.

Tatty B xx

28-10-05, 11:56
Thanks Tatty,

The job really isnt right for me at all. I just needed something quickly to get a house sorted. You are exactly right in what I do and speaking to other people who work there they say they often feel ill when speaking to patients and they dont even have anxiety. I just hope I can hang in there for a few weeks otherwise the house will fall through.

How are you anyway?

28-10-05, 11:59
It seems like the extra pressure of the job is taking its toll...prob more so because of the type of job it is, is there no way youcould go into a recruitment center or job center and find differnt part time work - that way you will still have the exta money coming in, and the job may not be so anxiety provoking?

Tatty B xx

Clive Edwards
28-10-05, 12:14
Hi Richard

I was just reading through the posts again. I'm not surprised your not 100%. Two jobs, new mortgage therefore new house ( i presume ) the usual bills that go with it. Probably not much chance for a social life if you are too busy working. I hope you can ditch the part time job soon. A young lad like you should be out with your mates - not slaving to the bills. I'm a bit further on up the treadmill i've now accumulated a wife and three children as well. I love them all to bits and don't know what i'd do without them.

I'm at work right now although i've hardly done a thing (as you could probably tell as i've been logged in here all morning) i can't concentrate.

Any way my point is you've got so many plates spinning on the spikes its a stress to keep them all going.

Easier said than done but try getting some quality time for doing the things you really want to do.

