View Full Version : My hair is falling out...

22-09-09, 08:03
For the last few months my hair has been rapidly falling out. My HA has been a little more under control during this time as well, which is why it is scaring me more than ever. Now, it doesn't come out in clumps or chunks and as far as I know I don't have any bald spots or spots where it's obvious the hair is coming out, but when I brush my hair I find that I'm getting what seems to be way too many strands that are coming out. Some from the root, some from breakage. I wear my hair up sometimes and those times, it's more common, which I know is just from breakage, but even when I run my fingers through my hair when it's down I'll end up with strands between my fingers, or strands just randomly falling onto my arms throughout the day. I dunno what to do, any help would be appreciated.

22-09-09, 08:31
Hi I Have The Same Problem,no Bold Spots But I Moult More Then A Dog ,i Think It Is Just Stress And Run Down,xx

22-09-09, 11:50
OMG! Please let this one go! I spent 2 years of my life wasted with this same obsession. I counted every single strand every second of the day and when i saw one it was like seeing death! I ended up with a psychologist and medicated because i turned it on my daughter in the end and was convinced she too was going bald! I won't get right into it but let me assure you it was awful! Yes im sure there is alot of hair around and it seems weird that you have any left on your head! But just be assured it is a cycle, it may even last a year or so or like it was for me, it lasted for as long as it took me to get some mental help (so what does that tell you)?? If you were going bald it would happen in a matter of days and it would come out in clumps with bald patches! Just ignore it and laugh when you become distressed because it is just a phase and you will not go bald!
How old are you? Mine began around 27. It did slow down like i said and since i have had more episodes but because i didn't let it get to me again there never has been any more issues.
I bet if you asked around so many people would say the same thing. But just let it go :)

jacqui doll
22-09-09, 17:44
I too have the same problem. My hair is gettin thiner, even my hubby has noticed. My hair is coming out in small clumbs and when i wake up in the morning there is hair on my pillow. It is now starting to worry me, i am even considering gettin it cut short to see if it will help my hair as i cannot wear it down. I dont know if it is stress or my meds, it would be just nice to find out how to stop it, as this is the last thing i need at moment. If anyone has any suggestions I would be graateful.


sarah jayne
22-09-09, 18:09
My hairs got thinner since i started with my anxiety 2 years ago, i think its with all the worry and stress...x

23-09-09, 08:21
I have long hair and thought it might be easier to cope when i was losing alot to have it chopped off. So i did and the hairs still fell out but weren't as noticeable as they were shorter. It might help you but seriously trust me, been there, done that and got over it. I never became bald maybe thinner but that's all. The stress made it much worse which i know now. If only i knew it then, i could have saved myself so much pain! Please just don't pay any attention to it guys.

23-09-09, 08:26
have you had your tyroid checked an overactive tyroid can cause this plus fast heart beat and loss of whigt if you have 2 of these have it checked ,its nothing to worry about i have had tyroid prblems for 10 tyears just on tabs but it can be dangerous if you have a tyroid problem and dont have it checked .its the most importent gland in your body controls everything hope this helps plu if it is this it might be cauing your anxiety:bighug1:

anxious elephant999
23-09-09, 18:43
Hi right let me just say i too have fairly long hair , which falls out all the time when i wash it the plug hole gets blocked thats how many i loose but i think its anxiety and the medication although i just want to say i used to be a hairdresser and i know for a fact that everybody looses about 100 to 150 hairs everyday when you brush it sometimes more if you have long hair so try not to worry about it :hugs:

23-09-09, 18:57
I have the same problem and for a time I also feared that I would go bald. Every morning I'd run my fingers through my hair and pull out loads of strands. I'd find strands everywhere; in the sink, on the floor, etc. Now when I think about it, in the time that this has been happening my hair is the longest it's been so I probably do notice it more. I also think that my HA makes me notice things more than normally and in reality the rate of strands that I do lose each day has probably always been the same, I've just never noticed before.

23-09-09, 20:15
It's quite normal for hear to fall out, we normally lose quite a bit of it a day, usually 100-150 strands, some people lose more than others, how much exactly are you losing? You say a lot of it seems to come from breakage, so get a trim, get some good conditioner and that should hopefully help with the breakage, could possibly be that you're just overly aware of how much you are losing because of the anxiety.

Also, as someone else said, if you think you are losing too much for it to be 'normal' you might want to get your thyroid checked.

Also, what colour is your hair? Mine was dark purple for a while and I noticed that loads fell out just because it was so noticeable when they did! Now it's peroxide blonde, I'm pretty sure that I lose roughly the same amount, due to hairbrush accumulation, etc, but I notice it a lot less, on my clothes, in the shower etc.

23-09-09, 23:33
Hi, My sister inlaw has this problem. She had tests done and it turned out to be a hereditary issue. Even though her parents all have a full head of hair it came from an aunty who had thinning hair. She now takes a medication in the form of one tablet a day to stop any more hair loss. :D

24-09-09, 09:45
Hi, I went through the same thing last year, my hairdresser casually mentioned when washing my hair "ooo your losing quite alot of hair" well this sent my mind into overdrive I was obsessed and my hair was thinning at the sides and I was constantly running my fingers through my hair and looking to see how much hair was in between my fingers!!! Basically it's stress pure and simple, I began last year with panic attacks and severe anxiety and as a result I started losing my hair, it lasted about 3 months and then improved. The more you worry about it and obsess about it the longer it will last, wasier said than done but relax. I lost alot of hair after I had my first child which they say was normal etc, but it was a stressful birth and I do believe it was that, it started exactly 3 months after he was born and lasted exactly 3 months and stopped. Good luck and don't worry too much xxxx