View Full Version : nausea and lightheadedness

22-09-09, 11:56

I am coping well with my anxiety attacks and have not been taking any propranolol for about a week but every day i having nausea and lightheadedness. Is this normal? I am going on holiday on sunday so i am slightly anxious about that. Does any one have these symptoms continually?


22-09-09, 13:17
From other posts as well as personnal experience anxiety causes a lot of symptons including yours. When I started citalopram it took 2-3 weeks of nausea, diahorrea, and not eating right, slowly its got better, the stress can cause your muscles to tense up and cause all sorts of problems. There are lots of other posts on here. Hope you feel better soon, and enjoy your hols.

22-09-09, 15:08
:hugs: As this is such a worry (which makes things worse):blush:
Have you tried ""sea bands"" they are a cloth strip - similar to 'sweat bands' you put round your wrist.
They were recommended to me by a nurse who new of my PAs etc.
they are usually prescribed for Nausea in pregnancy and anyone on Chemotherapy.
They have helped with my nausea and my 20 yr old granddaughter had them for travelling and she said they were good.
They are to do with pressure points in the wrist (all instructions in pack)
cost about £7-50 -from any chemist - if you can afford them well worth a try
Best wishes