View Full Version : So tired of this

anx mum
22-09-09, 11:58
So tired of constant headaches had these 6 weeks now and affecting my life. Ive tried everything painkillers, heat pads, cool strips, tigerbalm, nothing seems 2 help. My health anx is sky high really dont know how much more i can take. When i go 2 my docs just feel like there not listening 2 me im so scared :weep:

22-09-09, 13:32
anxmum please dont stress too much your doing well in the sense you were able to go to work you didnt let the headache stop you. Have you tried lavender yet that helps people relax.

anx mum
22-09-09, 13:42
lavender what hun? Dont mean 2 go on just getting me so down all the time. How r u today?

22-09-09, 13:48
im quite a lot better today because ive decided to not let it beat me.
have you tried simply going for a walk to clear your head that may help too and i know ive said it before (got to take my own advice here) have you tried exercise in the sense of jogging something that makes you sweat -because that raises seratonin and makes you feel better.

22-09-09, 13:58
is the headache pain decreasing or increasing anxmum - if its decreasing hang on to that fact that means your making a recovery.