View Full Version : Im in such a mess today!!!

22-09-09, 13:17
Hi There:)

I think I need a kick up the pants today!!

I really dont know whats wrong with me.....I have to go on a training course tonight and Im dreading it!!!

Initially I thought the fear was quite retional because of the stairs and the fact I cant get up them but spoke to my boss and we are having the course downstairs so I relaxed!!

Got up this morning and have been having one PA after another over it!!!

Ive been to London on training courses and been fine....this one is a mile from home, in a place I know, with people I know so why?????

My other half reckons its because We are going on holiday on Sat and I always get in a stew and this is the pre holiday nerves kicking in and has nothing to do with tonight at all!!! True I am dreading the holiday cos Im going to St Ives and its 250 miles from here, also the holiday park has some pretty awful reviews which I only read once Id paid for it:whistles:

Im not sure of the point of this post but just needed to get it off my chest....anxiety has left me alone for so long and now its back it seems!!!

Thanks for reading

Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 13:30
Hi kaz,
Maybe its just abuild of different anxiets, isn't it awful booking a holiday and the reaing a bad review? I must admit though I've read both good and bad reviews about places I've been too, and overall had brilliant times. The worst one was the one that got best reviews, lol. Maybe just try to get through your course, break it down into 1/2 hours, once you've got the 1st 30mins then the 2nd you'll hopefully feel better. Hope everything goes ok for you and have a great holiday (cliche time) a holiday is what you make of it!

22-09-09, 13:39
Thanks Bella:hugs:

I guess you are right really its just quite a stressfull time for me at the moment so I think Ive focused it all on tonight....course is only for two and a half hours!!!

Thanks for saying that youve been to places with bad reviews and had a great time....thats made me feel heaps better too!!!

Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 14:29
Hi Kaz

you are in need a hug and some reassurance :bighug1:

I think bella is right , i think its a build up of a few anxities put together, and it makes it all seem bigger than it is, its a good idea to break it down into smaller sections, and it feels more manageable, sometimes we just need to say, i feel pants today.....
as for the holiday thing ,bella is right again... a holiday is what you make it, as long as the actual accomadation is ok, the rest you can make yourself...

good luck for tonight, but you wont need it, you will be fine.. xxx

P x

22-09-09, 14:41
Thanks Pollyanna:hugs:

I have heaps going on at the mo and I think its just all got to me!!!

Now Im busy flapping cos Ive just remembered the loo where the course is is upstairs grrrrr like I cant go a couple of hours without a wee!!!!:roflmao:

I think I will just call it a pants day:doh:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 15:19
You will be ok Kazz,you made it to London you can do this.

I went to fareham today in a taxi,I was with my mum and brother though but I did it and I actually went up to the cafe counter and ordered drinks,something last year I would not have done.You will be fine hun.xxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

22-09-09, 15:21
kazzie if it's any consolation we've booked to go to st ives end of october - normally I look forward to it but with my new panic/anxiety (and as a result partial agrophobia) I developed a few months ago am absolutely dreading it. It will be a 7 hour drive. I was going to put a new thread on here asking people how I can cope, terrified of getting stuck in a traffic jam and having panic attacks all the way. I'm getting in a state just thinking about it! Also like you I can't go long without needing a wee! I hoped my husband would cancel it knowing how I feel but he says it'll do me good. He can't imagine the fear I am going thru at the thought of it.

22-09-09, 16:00
Thanks Ellen and a HUGE well done:yesyes: :yesyes:

Sedalia I know how you feel....I love holidays but this one is just sooooo far from home!!!

St Ives looks a lovely place tho....its just the awful reviews Ive read about the holiday park(John Fowler St Ives Holiday Park) seems the accommodation is pretty rank and I like my creature comforts!!!

Oh well Id best go and get suited and booted and get this poxy course out the way, thanks for all your kind words....I should be home by 8pm so will let you know if I survived it!!!

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 16:40
You sound like me! I think its your holiday thats causing you the anxiety. Enjoy your couse, forget about your holiday for tonight! Get this out the way first.
Well done you for actually going away on holiday, thats huge, I'm not in that place yet. And st ives is sooooo beautiful, standing in the harbour when the tides right out, and you can walk right out.....bliss. Stuff the accomodation if you can, and focus on having a nice break, and dont forget, holidays are calorie free!!!! YEY!! Have a great time.

22-09-09, 16:51
Although not a holiday, I'm due to see a show on Friday, friens have asked us out Weds, I've tried to change but hubby won't let me, Hes should be going to a reunion on Friday but is insisting on going, the idea of going out is filling me with dread, all those people, bluh, but I know I'll enjoy the show, sometimes we just have to try, and if it doesn't work then I agree a pants day, but if we dont try how will we ever get better! (Just how easy is it to write down and how difficult to do/believe it yourself!) Hope you've gone OK kaz will look back later to see how you got on.
Take care

22-09-09, 21:19
Hi Kazzie, hope your course went ok....and Im sure you coped really well!

As for the holiday, try to put the bad reviews out of your mind...reviews are so subjective and there are some people in the world who will always find something to complain about no matter how high standards are.

I do sympathise though....Im addicted to looking at sites like trip advisor no matter how hard I try not to and even if theres only one dodgy review and thirty good ones my mind will always focus on the bad one.

I have a relative who never looks at reviews and generally has great holidays....the only bad one was televised on 'Holidays from Hell' 3 weeks before they were due to go....and yes it was that bad lol!

I find holidays really stressful so understand where you are coming from but try and take just one bit at a time and keep an open mind and im sure you will have good time.

Good luck

Coni XX

22-09-09, 21:22
Hi Everyone:D

Thank you all for your kind words:hugs:

Well today was a waste of worry:whistles:

I was fine!!!

We all sat in the workshop(a bit chilly) whilst we were shown a lovely selection of the new coffin range at work, with everyone cracking silly jokes as usual!!!:roflmao:

Im home now and trying to get warm lol

Thank you all again!!!

Just the holiday to survive now:doh:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 21:24
Sorry forgot to say good luck Angela:flowers:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 21:35
Hi Kaz

glad the training went ok, how long is it until you go on holiday now?

st ives is a lovely part of the world, wish i was going.....:)

P x

22-09-09, 21:47
Thanks Pollyanna:hugs:

We are off on holiday on Sat working tomm afternoon and all day Thurs then Fri off to pack and panic lol:whistles:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

22-09-09, 22:00

Have a lovely time, and try and just go with the flow, we will miss you will your away, but looking forward to hearing all about it.

take care

hugs and stuff Px :hugs:

22-09-09, 23:07
Where you off on holiday Kazz?:shades: :shades:

23-09-09, 20:13
So glad you managed your course. Now go and have a great holiday, once your there you'll have a great time and enjoy the change of scenery, go and enjoy yourself. Take care and thanks for the message.

23-09-09, 20:50
Hi Kaz

I am sorry you are anxious but I know how you are feeling as I am going on holiday at the weekend and driving to Italy!!!! We have already cancelled the trip once because of my anxiety attacks( didn't know what they were then)but I am feeling nauseus and dizzy for most of the day so I presume i am worrying about it ( leaving
children,house,dog behind). Having said that I have had a good day today and am just thinking i am going with my lovely hubbie and in my own car rather than the stress of airports. Hope you will be ok and try and have fun.

Love Jackie:yesyes:

23-09-09, 20:52
Lots of hugs.

23-09-09, 21:53
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

Ellen Im off to St Ives in Cornwall(way out of my comfort zone 250 miles away)

But as everyone who knows me I JFDI lol

Panic has had enough of my life and will damm well choke it on a Cornish Pasty this time ROFL:roflmao:

Hmmmm may not be so funny come Fri night:whistles:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: