View Full Version : nhs direct

22-09-09, 14:39
can you phone them and talk about health anxiety?

i can stop worrying i been to the doctors twice and say everything is fine
but i still geting pain and i keep thinking it cancer

i think am losing i should be lock up am going mad:weep:

22-09-09, 14:46
hi they are really good nhs direct give them a ring for some reassurance your not going mad cos if you are i am aswell let us know what they say


22-09-09, 15:17
thank you i think i give them a ring later.
as am at work right now.

its really getting to me it stop me doing thing's.
i even try to listen to music but this only made my mind think more that i got something wrong

sorry about my poor spelling

22-09-09, 15:25
where is the pain?are you getting any other symptoms

22-09-09, 15:34
round my top my of leg, groin, and testicles, i had this area felt round by the docter twice
it all started when i thought there was something wrong with my testicles

22-09-09, 15:46
the pain can last for upto a hour or to i rub the area or walk around
and then useley it come back in a different area

sorry if this sounds odd

22-09-09, 15:51
it doesnt sound odd health anxiety can cause us to really think we have a problem , like today theres something wrong with my heart cos my chest feels funny,i think we believe the drs whilst we are there and when we get home we are back to square one its horrible

22-09-09, 16:02
HI. have you tried ringing no panic helpline as well they are really good when you in the grip of anxiety to talk to. also i have been known to talk to the samaritans who are there for anyone, not just for people in distress. just a thought.

22-09-09, 16:07
yea thats sums it up i have great doctor
but i keep thinking i know better then him witch is silly

i know deep down its nothing cas the pain would be on all the time if it was
you know what i mean

22-09-09, 21:09
thank you jue67

22-09-09, 23:11
just had some bad news

my sister got cancer

22-09-09, 23:14
So sorry to hear this. You must be having a hard time at the moment.

What cancer is it can I ask?

22-09-09, 23:56
Malignant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malignant) in the breast

i feeling very very low

my sister means the world to me

23-09-09, 09:47
so sorry to hear that, :hugs: , hopefully it has been caught early and she'll be given the right treatments etc, breast cancer if it's caught early is easily treated as far as I know, so please try not to worry - I know you will be!, but you have to be strong for your sister and strong for yourself also. Hope you get the right amount of support also, maybe worth a trip to your GP or something? Hope everything goes OK, thinking of you, your sister and your family x :hugs:

And, to answer your earlier question - we're paying for nhs direct through council tax or something (:blush: i'm a bit thick! lol), so if you ever feel the need to phone then do, they can be very reassuring xx

23-09-09, 13:36
thank you very much for your kind message.

she coming home later today so i should find out whats happening.

even more sad news, that my dad i care for is looking like he going to have to go into a care home. (he has a mental illness)

as for me as i said i know its nothing as if it was something wrong with me the pain wouldnt just change and go somewere else, just gotta get my mind to accept that fact, you know what i mean?

23-09-09, 22:25
i talk to my sister sounds like its not that bad

23-09-09, 22:55
Aw love you sound like you're going through the mill right now. *hugs*

Sorry about your sister but wonderful that it sounds not bad! Sorry for your dad also but he will be in the right hands.

Sending lots of thoughts and prayers for you and your family xx

24-09-09, 13:13
thank you wee mee

i tell my sister if see every feels a bit of anxiety to come on here

your guys are super:hugs:

any one that can put up with me are great:yesyes: