View Full Version : Infidelity

27-10-05, 20:28
Is it possible to develop PTSD from the shock of a partners betrayal. When I say shock I mean when it is totally out of character for that person and you always believed they adored you and you never, never, even thought of the prospect that they would do it?
Also has anyone tried hypnosis/hypnotherapy or solution focused brief therapy or "rewind" therapy please.
Many thanks.

28-10-05, 01:29
Hi Auntie,

The sypmtoms for PTSD are quite specific and you can find them by doing a saech using "DSM-IV+PTSD".

If you think you do have PTSD, I urge you to seek psychological help as early intervion improves the recovery.

If you were posting in an Anxiety forum, I would be the first to agree the surprise news or "shock" could easily trigger an anxiety episode - which is quite different to PTSD. Again, you can find out about several disorders once you've found a suitable site from using the search string. You didn't say you've been diagnosed with PTSD so I'm guessing you're self-diagnosing? Either way, if your symptoms are unpleasant you should see your GP in the first instance and he can refer if necessary and/or offer you some med(s) that alleviate the anxiety - if it is other than a short duration episode.

I hope this helps - I mean well.