View Full Version : Just had the ultrasound

22-09-09, 15:41
I have just come back from my ultrasound on my testicles and it was so quick and painless. The radioligist said "ok thats all we need to do, you can go and get dressed and then go" now im assuming there is nothing wrong and he will just contact the dr that referred me. If there was anything serious wrong would he have told me there and then? Just need someone probably a bloke who has had this done before and what happened with regards to the results. Thanks


22-09-09, 17:06
Hi cricketjar

I had the same done a couple of weeks a back. If it was that quick I'm sure there can be nothing seriously wrong and they will send an all clear to the docs. Mine took a few mins as she found a cyst there which she spent a little time investigating but it turned out it was harmless. She also said I had varicoseles, she explained a little about it and said she would send the results to my docs.

If they found anything serious such as cancer I personally don't think they would allow you to leave the hospital.

22-09-09, 17:14
Thanks mick i would have thought they would have kept me there if it was serious. at least the radioligist explained stuff to you mine just said what i quoted in the last post. Did you have to ring your doctor up to discuss what they had found? Im just a little unsure what to do as they didnt really say much to me.


22-09-09, 17:22
Yeah, the radiologist said the results would take a couple of days to get to the docs so I phoned up and made an appointment for a week later. What did you have the investigation for if you don't mind me asking?

22-09-09, 17:25
It was for a suspected cyst on the tube coming in i think thats what the doc said. He was sure it wasn't anything serious but sent me for my piece of mind. Do you think i should make an appointment with the dr that sent me?

22-09-09, 17:35
I was the same - the cyst was on the epydidimus (sp?) but they said it was harmless and not something that would ever cause problems or need operating on. Yours will be the same I'm sure but you could make an appointment with the doc that sent you to discuss it.

I think a lot of men have things like this but its only because we are so paranoid about it and continually check that we find these things.

22-09-09, 18:03
I think i will make an appointment with the doc to discuss it. I do get paranoid about things. Thanks for your replies mate.