View Full Version : introduce myself!

22-09-09, 15:53
I'm new to this kinda thing, i've only just caught up with the rest of civilisation and got myself an email address!!
I've been suffering from panic/anxiety problems for around ten years, Although i do recall instances when i was younger but just didn't know what they were...
I guess what i'm suffering from comes under aggrophobia, I have problems travelling more than few miles away from home.
I have been seeing a therapist for around three months and things are improving when i'm with her but when i'm alone i lack the confidence to battle my fears/phobias.
Stumbled accross site whilst searching for my miracle cure!!!!!
Be good to hear from others about there way's of dealing with similar issues.

23-09-09, 19:36
Hi, :welcome:

You are not alone with your issues... although i know it can certainly feel like that sometimes:weep:

Can i join you in your search for that miracle cure... i wish there was one:)

Take Care


23-09-09, 19:40
Hiya G and welcome.

Have a good look around, many here have got better so have hope :)
