View Full Version : H1N1

22-09-09, 18:18
I am sick and terrified about this flu... its always in the back of my mind.. i can't stop thinking about it, it drive me nuts.. eveyrone i see i ask them if they feel like me and they all say *no i don't really think about it* how can they not! I keep asking myself if i will survive this or if i will get it or if i should be the vaccine or if someone i love will get sick from it... men its crazy!!!!

22-09-09, 19:07
Why are you obsessing about this, do you know someone that had it ??

22-09-09, 20:25
Why are you obsessing about this, do you know someone that had it ??
No but here in Winnipeg we had a lots of it when it first start and then now they keep talking about it... who bad it will get and that we are at the flu season is at our doors...

My friend was really sick 2 weeks with fever, stiff neck, pain in his knee! So he said he found a cure for Swine flu.. he said he took like 5 aspirin in within an interval of 50 minutes in between you have to disolve the aspirin in a glass of water so it does not hurts your stomac and then you also have to take some vitamin C ... and he goes to me if you ever get this do it it really help well i don't know about aspirin in such of short period!! But sometime i am so scread of this that i would try anything!!!!

22-09-09, 20:27
Hi Its died down over here so dont really think of it
there have been herdly any deaths related to it we have more deaths from normal fl, and thats mainly the weak and those with underlying health issues x

22-09-09, 20:31
Hi Its died down over here so dont really think of it
there have been herdly any deaths related to it we have more deaths from normal fl, and thats mainly the weak and those with underlying health issues x
Here too we don't have much anymore but went it first start we had a lots like 580 cases and they were like 34 people in hospital under ventilator and i think 8 people died!

I don't have underlying health problem but i have allergies i not sure if its consider an underlying health problem

22-09-09, 20:32
8 deaths among how may people in Canada?
the risk is very small sure you will be fine x

22-09-09, 20:37
8 deaths among how may people in Canada?
the risk is very small sure you will be fine x

I know that what my bf is telling me he goes... i not worry until really one of us get hit with it.. but ... they said that this year it will be worst!!!!

22-09-09, 20:38
Hey no point in worrying what MIGHT happen try and concentrate on how you feel NOW and just live in the moment x

22-09-09, 20:55
Hey no point in worrying what MIGHT happen try and concentrate on how you feel NOW and just live in the moment x

you got a point...!!! but its hard not to think about it... but i will try hard because its suck to feel like that!!!

23-09-09, 09:15
Tomorrow comes soon enough so stay in today

best wishes x

23-09-09, 14:36
Tomorrow comes soon enough so stay in today

best wishes x

Do you think its safe the stuff my friends did with the aspirin: he told me that you have to disolve the aspirin in a glass of water and drink it, but no more then like 50 minutes in between each one and to take at least 4 to 5 aspirin and they flu goes away and he fealth better....also to boost your immune system with that he added vitamin C

Someone told me that its not that great because aspirin could cause bleeding! So i don't know if i would do this if i ever have that flu!

23-09-09, 14:46

I would not take asprin personally as it does cause stomach bleeding
i had to come off asprin and i was oly on 1 a day

23-09-09, 14:53

I would not take asprin personally as it does cause stomach bleeding
i had to come off asprin and i was oly on 1 a day

WOW REALLY! Are you in the State if you don,t mind me asking?
Are you taking the vaccine? Just asking casue supposely here in Canada its an adjavant vaccine so its not pure and a lots of people don't wanted because of that they are still afraid of what happen in 1979 with the adjavent vaccine they had for the army people which kill at least 25 of them more then the virus did!!!

I am not too sure what to do! I am pretty healthy other then the allergies i got which stuff my nose and sometime make my throath feel funny but I bike every day for like 2:45 min to come to work well its actually like 1:20 one way and i try to eat well except for sometime they sweet tooth i got... lol... but other then that i am good!!!!

23-09-09, 14:57
I dont have swine flu i was taking asprin for high blood pressure but they caused so much stomach problems i had to come off

You must stop worrying you may never get it anyway so why worry, it will only drive you mad
you sound fit and healthy so even IF you did get it you would get over it OK

24-09-09, 19:54
I dont have swine flu i was taking asprin for high blood pressure but they caused so much stomach problems i had to come off

You must stop worrying you may never get it anyway so why worry, it will only drive you mad
you sound fit and healthy so even IF you did get it you would get over it OK

Wow that suck! How is your bp now... better?

I know i have to stop worring and yes i am fit but my problem is my allegies and i am not sure if becasue of this i could get more sick since i am always congested and suff up and sometime that post nasal drip in my chest i am not sure if it feel in the category of chronic health problem they talk about!

24-09-09, 20:12

Your allergies dont sound chronic to me im sure you will be fine

best wishes x

24-09-09, 20:15

Your allergies dont sound chronic to me im sure you will be fine

best wishes x

Thanks Marc!

You not worry about that you???
Are you planning to get vaccinated if you don't mind me asking?

24-09-09, 20:24
no not me i try and live in Today only, i will worry about tomorrow when it comes x

24-09-09, 20:57
no not me i try and live in Today only, i will worry about tomorrow when it comes x

:) I guess you are right... my bf tell me all the time why are you worry about stuff that you don't know if it will happen to you and then i ask him how come he is not worry at all he goes i will be worry only if one of us get sick and depending how sick we get...

My brother told me once that when you worry about stuff its like you get the virus, disease or what ever you worry about twice... you worry that you will get it so you stress out and the if you ever get it then you will be worry again so he goes wait and see .....it might not even happen!!!

I wish i could think like that... it would be much easyer

27-09-09, 02:25
Re. the aspirin posts.

If you put large amounts of aspirin into your gut, you are risking a heavy bleed and the risk of that outweighs any flu risk.

I don't know for certain, but I highly doubt that aspirin will have any effect on a flu virus.

I don't think this is a cure and I think its dangerous.

27-09-09, 03:18
Allergies are not listed as some of the chronic conditions. I have seasonal allergies and post nasal drip, and have had the flu (not swine) before. It sucked, but a few days later I'm fine (even with my somewhat unhealthy lifestyle). The chronic conditions you want to look out for are asthma, diabetes, chronic heart problems, and immunosuppressant conditions (conditions that make your immune system significantly weaker)--the same conditions that would make getting the regular flu more annoying.

Believe me, a few weeks ago I too was freaking out; I was worried my unhealthy lifestyle meant I'd have swine flu complications if I got it. But I saw a nutritionist, got checked up, and I have no significant problems, and I've been making my lifestle healthier, too. Just keep your hands washed regularly and avoid people who seem sick to you, and you'll probably be fine. :)

28-09-09, 14:18
Re. the aspirin posts.

If you put large amounts of aspirin into your gut, you are risking a heavy bleed and the risk of that outweighs any flu risk.

I don't know for certain, but I highly doubt that aspirin will have any effect on a flu virus.

I don't think this is a cure and I think its dangerous.

Hum that what i taught, that it could be dangerous! He told me that it works that he had a fever and muscle ache and in 4 hours they were all gone but i really think that i would be screar to do this!

28-09-09, 14:35
Allergies are not listed as some of the chronic conditions. I have seasonal allergies and post nasal drip, and have had the flu (not swine) before. It sucked, but a few days later I'm fine (even with my somewhat unhealthy lifestyle). The chronic conditions you want to look out for are asthma, diabetes, chronic heart problems, and immunosuppressant conditions (conditions that make your immune system significantly weaker)--the same conditions that would make getting the regular flu more annoying.

Believe me, a few weeks ago I too was freaking out; I was worried my unhealthy lifestyle meant I'd have swine flu complications if I got it. But I saw a nutritionist, got checked up, and I have no significant problems, and I've been making my lifestle healthier, too. Just keep your hands washed regularly and avoid people who seem sick to you, and you'll probably be fine. :)

Yes its suck! I was nervous cause mine are like not really seasonal its seem to be there all the time sometime not as bad and some bad like now! Like my nose is stuff off and (sorry this may be gross) but if i blow it wich usually nothing come out but now its like green/yellow stuff not much but! Then i always have to like clear my troath with a gross noise... sometime there is stuff coming out of there like thick and yellow...not all the time but when i am very congested! I am not sure but my doctor send me to see so many people to try to get rid of this and its not working one of the specialist mention (Rhinisit or rhinosinu something)

But i read that people with allergies have also ashma i pass an ashma test and even with my congestion she told me that i had lungs to run a marathon... i assume that if i had ashma i would not bee able to bike the way i do for 3 hours a day!

But also my daughter just move with me she is 23 and she always get sick i don't know why and my son is 16 he does not get sick often but they sheare the same room now since she move to the house for a bit! They are both in School well she is in the university! I keep telling them to washs their hands!

I don't know ......freak me out that they said they expect to have 90 000 people to died from this!

Oh we only have one care at home sometime my bf need it and i might have to take the transit do you think its safe to take it... well my daughter has too cause she has no care....

GRRRRRR :weep: i hate this stupid h1n1 stuff!!!!

23-03-10, 10:14
Swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. It's named for a virus that pigs can get. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

There are antiviral medicines you can take to prevent or treat swine flu. There is a vaccine available to protect against swine flu. You can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza by

Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
Washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also use alcohol-based hand cleaners.
Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Trying to avoid close contact with sick people.
Staying home from work or school if you are sick.