View Full Version : i wish i hadn't googled my symptons !!!

sarah jayne
22-09-09, 18:54
For the past 5 and a half weeks ive had a constant headache. Now ive also got earache, the left side of my face is swollen and my jaw and neck are tender to touch on the left side. Ive just googled all my symptons and it came up with brain abcess ! Im so worried....:ohmy:

22-09-09, 19:00
please dont google. According to doctor google i have had brain tumor, heart attack, ms, throat cancer and thats just for starters and guess what i dont have any of these things. I suffer anxiety and all its nasty symptoms. If you are really worried go and see your gp who knows all your medical history. You are really going to freak yourself out . We have all done this and honestly it makes you feel worse

22-09-09, 19:03
Good old Dr Google

Funny how we keep searching until we find the worst things we can

Thats one Dr that should be struck off!!!!!!!

As Den said see a real GP Dr Google is a bad man

sarah jayne
22-09-09, 19:08
I'll never do it again ! Im going to be even more worried now til i see a doctor...

22-09-09, 19:11
I know its hard but it really is best not to google
its so tempting when you have HA the trouble is you set out looking for reassurance and end up finding your worst nightmare
remember things are rearly as bad as we imagine them to be

best wishes x

22-09-09, 19:31
Sarah, DON'T GOOGLE! I finally learned my lesson when I started turning positive medical results into negative ones by googling....a doctor said to me "you have a good level of haemoglobin," I started googling, and came up with lots of horrible illnesses if you produce too much of the stuff! I know it's hard, and we've all been there, we just have to trust the doctors...or for the really paranoid amongst us, a second opinion :)

22-09-09, 19:46
I agree with everyone here- don't Google. I am one to talk, I spent six weeks this Summer doing it and convinced myself I had lymphoma and all other sorts of horrendous illnesses when in actual fact, I had a very nasty ear infection.
I too had a headache for weeks, which not-so-oddly enough has all but disappeared since I saw my GP.

To be honest, Sarah, it sounds like you have some sort of infection too. Do see your doc who can put your mind at rest and sort out what you do have with the appropriate medicines. Sometimes your body needs some help fighting things off which aren't necessarily serious, just painful and scary. I think you might find that just like me, a lot of your symptoms will mysteriously disappear as soon as you find out you're not dying imminently. But whatever you do, don't Google. Come on here, read the positive posts, share your fears or play the games but do not consult Dr G. xx

22-09-09, 19:50
I agree, don't Google things. Only problem is that you can imagine worst than Google then panic over that (i'm my own worst enemy)

Cell block H fan
22-09-09, 19:57
Oh my days. Proof enough never to google. Thats crazy. Someone could have those symptoms for allsorts of reasons. Only google could come up with that conclusion! I dont go near google for health issues. Learnt that the hard way hun yonks ago! xxxxxx

sarah jayne
22-09-09, 22:21
Thanks everyone for replying, i feel really stupid for doing it but now im more anxious than ever ! My doctor said that my headache was either a tension headache or refered pain from my neck ( ive got slipped disks) but i dont believe him. He told me not to go back cause theres nothing he can do so thats why i googled, especially as ive now got a swollen face aswell. Im just so worried. I went to the dentist yesterday and they did an xray which showed 2 dark shadows, ive got 2 go back on thursday, im dreading it, i cant stop worrying that its somehow connected to the pain in my head...x