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27-10-05, 23:43
Ok, As I posted before, I refuse to take meds to help me out. Even though deep down I feel they could really benefit me. I guess Im scared of side effects and limitations. I do have a bottle of Zoloft sitting in my medicine cabinet which I stare at constantly. They prescribed it to me for panic disorder 2 months ago.

Has anyone taken this before?? I'm 22 years and do have a daughter so I still occasionally like my nights out once or twice a month. Is it ok to have a few drinks while taking Zoloft??

I just wanna be normal again :(

29-10-05, 04:00
My expreiance with Zolft and alcohole were quite funny I got tippsy so much easier when I was taking Zoloft. I been off zoloft for a fue month before new year's eve. On new years eve I drank a fue too many drink's as i was not getting tippsy and it all hit me at once and I passed out for the first time eva lol:D and my last time.

You can have a fue drink while talking zoloft but it's not reconmended because it can interfear with the effect of the med's them self. Too much might cause I over dose effect like with any med's. I did find that i felt down after having a fue drink while on zoloft and not on zoloft just the same. Alcohloe has a depressive effct on you system and should be avoid any in excess at any time but a fue drinks every now and then wouldn't be a big deal.