View Full Version : 10 months of back and groin pain..need some reassurance please.

22-09-09, 19:21
:) Hi Everyone.

As my title says iv'e been suffering for 10 months now and being a 13yr suffererer of HA i am beside myself with worry and fear that i have something awful. Have been to the drs several times concerning both these and all have said it is sciatica and a pulled groin...My leg pain all comes from one side and can affect my leg, hip, lower back and i have started having a tingly feeling in my foot on and off, although doesnt bother me in bed; have been sent to physio and after 4 visits she said it was nerve or muscle related and there was no more she could do me; leaving me very frustrated as i am still suffering. However have eventually been passed on to a back consultant on the 6th of Oct and am s**tting myself incase they find cancer or something as equally horrible. My groin is also on the same side and can affect all round my groin or just the ligament from my pelvic area to my groin, which can also be tender to touch sometimes, this im also convinced is connected to my back and is something horrible. Is there anyone out there i havent bored to death yet that has or had similar symptoms for weeks or months on end, especially the groin!! i know some sciatic sufferers do complain of groin discomfort; i just don't belive i can have a groin strain as the doctor suggested for 6 months; or if anyone can proove me wrong please do.

Just before i finish i also suffer with Gastric Reflux which is particulary bad at the moment and i am having a Endoscopy in Oct to check it out, of course another thing thats worrying me and making me feel nauseas, also have IBS and i know all these things can be connected to Anxiety but am convinced i am having all these things together because im really ill.

Sorry if this has been long winded but needed to get it off my chest and would be very grateful if anyone out there can relate to this i would love to hear from you.

Thankyou for reading,


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22-09-09, 19:42
Hi there,

I suffer terribly from back and leg pain and last year after months of trouble everything came to a head. Now to cut a long story short my symptoms were lower back pain, leg pain travelling all way down to foot, tingling , pins and needles and also loss of sensation and weakness which eventually led to numbness in my back upper right thigh and side of right foot can stick a needle in it and i dont feel a thing. Also i had quite uncomfortable groin pain throughout, physio told me there was nothing else they could do for me. It got so bad tht i couldnt walk and was referred for an mri scan and was convinced it was cancer. The scan found two large prolapsed discs which were bulging both ways and starting to press on the spinal column, they would have operated on if they hadn't also found bad arthritis as well in my lower spine, im only 37.....sigh.
So just to reassure you the back can cause a whole load of symptoms like you have , and cancer or tumour is one of the more improbable causes, the best thing is to get the scan and see if there is any disc damage etc. I hope this helps reassure you a bit and im sure everything will be fine as it can take up to 2yrs my consultant said for discs etc to settle down, you take care and try not too worry just pm me as well if you need a chat xx

22-09-09, 19:50

Thanks for your quick reply...it sounds like you have had a awful time.

Lots of people have said dont under estimate the pain a back can cause.

Thanks again, hearing from you has helped.

Take care,

Mandy, xx

22-09-09, 20:53
this year i had both at different time's.
every day i was buying deep heat it stop the pain but didnt really work:blush:

the most scariest thing i find was that the pain could start without warning and sometimes in different place,s.

20-01-10, 12:28
Hi I suffer from the same syptoms and have done for six months although i am fully active play football 3times aweek and it doesnt give me a problem until I sit down, after abt half n hr I can feel the pain all down my right leg,back and sometimes groin.There are certain exercises you can do to relieve pressure which does ease the pain, even standing up straight for awhile tends to ease pain.