View Full Version : No Desire To Do Normal Things

22-09-09, 22:29
Hey guys,

Well, I am posting here really to just see if anyone has had similiar experiences to mine.

When I was 17 my GP started me on Seroxat for panic attacks - this was in 1997 when under 18s were still started on Seroxat, something which I believe isn't done now. I took this with varying success in my mood until the year 2000. In the year 2000 I was started on Citalopram and my panic attacks gradually subsided as I got older. Maybe it was me growing out of them or maybe it is the fact that the Citalopram 20mg really is working.

I did try once a few years back to get off the Citalopram. I was able to wean myself off it but my panic attacks returned sadly so I went on it and I have now accepted the fact that I'll be on it for the rest of my life.

So, here I am at 29 years old and I have no motivation to go out socialising on the weekends. Of course, I do go out the odd time and there has been times in the past when I did go out but my desire to do so has got considerably less over the years. I haven't been out socialising in the last 3 years now.....

I'm also single and have been for a long time. I have very little libido and have no real inclination to be with a girl at the moment.

I'd like to get other people's input to see if anyone out there is the same, which I am sure there are!

22-09-09, 22:53
Hiya hun

im 27 been on sertraline for 5 yrs, i feel like you cant be bothered going out socializing and when i do ofter think "what am i doing here" id rather be at home. I enjoy my own company alot. Like of anecening after work id rather chill at home watch tv or mess round on my lap top etc.
i do have a boyfriend but i dont see him everyday about 3/4 times a week as i like to stay at home
sometimes i get panicky the day before going out if iv made plans with friends

hope this helps


25-09-09, 18:22
Could be mild depression caused by years of suffering from anxiety. I am a bit like that too. Depression is not some major evil thing to be feared, it's a natural condition that most of us will experience at one time or another.

Maybe instead of going to parties and stuff (which I personally hate) you can go for a drive to a remote country pub for an hour, have some cola, then carry on driving for an hour or two. This is what me and my GF do a lot. Or have some friends over for a takeaway and DVD night. Get started by doing things you are comfortable with.

The cure for depression is to make yourself happy and stay that way. It's tough at first when you are used to feeling glum -- but I'm sure you'll be fine :D

25-09-09, 21:40
Hi :)
I can relate a little bit to what you have written.
If you are happy being on your own then that's fine - that's just how you are and you should not feel bad about it, nor about having a partner either.
Just go with what you want until you want otherwise, when the time is right for you.
Do you feel depressed at all?
I get invited out a lot of times through my partners work, and to other places by friends but I never want to go and will usually make an excuse not to go. I do sometimes make an effort and go but I am always happy when it is time to leave.
I also now feel different to other people and I would be so much happier (I think) living on some remote island. In reality I would probably last 5 minutes on one!
I sound boring but up until I became very unwell with anxiety I was so different and was a life and soul of the party dancing on the tables type. I am so much quieter now.
I go on holidays but even then I want to be back home. I sound so miserable dont I? lol
I am taking citalopram and I too find it really helps me with anxiety. I suffer with agoraphobia but if I am going somewhere with another person then I am not too bad.
Citalopram is renowned for causing lack of libido - it is one of the common side effects.
Sometimes I feel like I am missing out on life in some ways but then everyone is different and I have done my years of clubbing and partying.
I am so much happier on my own and I have to spend a lot of time on my own otherwise I find I get stressed and tired out.
I find that doing my own thing and not feeling pressured I am actually a lot less anxious.
I guess the only downside is if that we do alienate ourselves a lot from others then we could end up very lonely, when we dont want to be :unsure:

26-09-09, 18:02
hi gared
i totally agree with Poppy - this is day 27 for me on 20mg of Cit [my first diagnosis with depression]. i am due to go out to a pub/club tonite with my sis and a friend, and i am already so anxious at the thought of it....i am going to drive so as to avoid the temptation of taking a drink, but it will be my 1st nite going out since i started the ADs - i am 34 single and am sad that i may never meet a good man to share my life with....anyways i am just going to have to get on and do it or i risk every weekend being the same in front of the TV [which sounds like heaven at the minute!!]

27-09-09, 17:15
Feeling low and not wanting to do "normal" things is part of depression/anxiety, so it's not abnormal. Sometimes we trade in anxiety issues for depression and I think that's the price we have to pay for taking medications. However, I don't think that we have to be on them for the rest of our lives! I think counselling and self-help therapies should be combined with drug treatments. The medication alone can't be expected to do all the work on their own.

Society puts pressure on us by defining what "normal" should be. You should do what's right for your wellbeing. I can't stand loud noises or big crowds so I meet friends in quieter places. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't find it *normal* to go clubbing every week and get p****d out of my head. At the same time, it's very easy to isolate yourself and live in your own bubble, afraid to relate to others. This is why I think counselling can really help. Depression and anxiety can be a nightmare but I'll NEVER admit to it being a life sentence.

Wish you well.

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