View Full Version : EUS done

23-09-09, 01:07
Hi all-well I survived the EUS and my pancreas is FINE. THANK GOD. The dr said that he is not worried as much of my pain but the fact that I have a tumor marker that is elevated. He said that it could mean one of two things. One is that I have dysplasia cells, meaning something is "brewing" in my pancreas--bad cells. He said with that I will do a ca 19 blood test every 6 months and a repeat EUS in a year so that if it is brewing they are on top of it. It does not explain the pain I have which leads him to point number 2 and that is that it could be another organ causing the elevation in the CA 19.

So here is where I am at in my thought process. I figure I can put pancreatic cancer to rest for now. Since I had an EUS 6 months back, a CT, and MRI surely something woudl have shown up in that span if it were serious, though I know it could be missed and a very hard disease to dx, something with this EUS surly would have shown within 6 months. I feel that something else is causing this inflammation to my pancreas. As many of you know I had issues (joint and muscular problems) starting a yr ago. I cannot help but think its all connected and think it could be something autoimmune WHICH I am fine with if it is, "fine" meaning no panicked over it.

I will keep you all posted and in the meantime will try not to think I have something horribly wrong. I have at least ruled out my greatest fear for now.

Veronica H
23-09-09, 08:26
:yesyes: Glad you have good news. I think some serious 'distraction' and relaxation is required now before you focus too much on other possibilities which is of course the nature of this illness. Treat yourself, do something you enjoy. :bighug1:
