View Full Version : One Symtom that just won't seem to go away

23-09-09, 02:57
Hi there! I've been doing fairly well with my recovery lately. I've been able to shake off alot of the symptoms including derealization, frightening thoughts and panic attacks in general. The one symptom that I'm having a hard time overcoming is that sense of detachment from the body. I feel it most when I'm walking. It's like I'm moving but I'm constantly focusing on each step to the point where I know I'm walking but feels like I'm not moving leghs or something. A feeling like my body part is just going to stop working may be a way to say it. Anyway hard to describe I guess LOL! It just gets uncomfortable sometimes. Does anybody have any tips for overcoming this. Is it just something I have to accept and in time it will go away. Like I said it just seems to be th tougest symptom for me because I haven't really heard any explanations of why this happens. I looked on the symptom post but couldn't see much on this particular symptom. Any information would be helpful.

24-09-09, 01:46
hmm I dunno, maybe it's because your too aware of your body? hopefully it will go away.
maybe listen to music while you walk

24-09-09, 03:43
Yes, that can help. Problem is sometimes you can't always do that. Like when you are at work. I think your right though, it's just trying to be too aware of your body but it seems so hard to take your mind away from focusing on it. Thanks for the reply.

24-09-09, 14:42
Hi TomMCHawk

I get that exact same feeling... i've shaken off the Panic and most symptoms too but feel as if I am not in full control of my body. Like im typing now and my brain doesn't feel like its picking up that im typing, it almost feels likes someone else is doing it for me.

Also get this a lot while walking and it's weird. Feel a bit twitchy/jittery and it doesn't feel like it me that's walking. Keep thinking silly things like "Maybe its parkinsons" but I know its not and I quickly change the way it think when I come out with that.

Does this symptom stay with you or does it come and go? I find when I have been eating loads of fatty foods, and suggar, and a few days after some alcholol I get like this. Feeling like this now actually and I don't like it.

24-09-09, 22:00
Hi there! Yes it seems to come and go for me. It's usually worse when I'm more tired. Especially after those nights of drinking. Sometimes when I'm really distracted like exercising I don't think about it but a simple thing like walking and I can't get my mind off it. I find it's a hard sympton to deal with because it's more so of a feeling rather than a thought. But you hit the nail on the head when you said it feels like your not in control of your body. That's the exact thing way to describe it. It feels like your moving but your not doing it. It's with my legs specifically and sometimes arms but not as much. I like to find a good technique to deal with it or explanation for it but I haven't been able to.