View Full Version : Do I have General Anxiety Disorder?

23-09-09, 03:53
I've been treated with councelling for anxiety problems in the past, but it was never properly diagnosed. Does anyone else get this? And is it General Anxiety Disorder?

Constant feeling of impending doom.
Unable to sit still.
Feeling like i'm about to die all the time.
Constant medical fears.
Being convinced of many different diseases.
Constantly checking pulse.
Fear of heights.
Can't get on a plane, train, have trouble on coaches and cars.
Couldn't even imagine myself flying, seems impossible.
Inability to sleep.
Lack of motivation.
Slightly elevated pulse.
Panic Attacks triggered by small things.
Cannot get on any rollercoaster.
Constant incessant worries.
Inability to clear mind.
Inability to relax.
High sex drive and premiscuity.
Mood swings.
Muscular pains.

Thanks, Ewan.

23-09-09, 22:07
Sounds GAD to me mate. And I gots it too :(


23-09-09, 22:57
yup sounds like it

23-09-09, 23:32
Definetely does sound like general anxiety disorder. Out of all the symptoms you mentioned, I suffer from:

Constant feeling of impending doom.
Unable to sit still.
Feeling like i'm about to die all the time.
Constant medical fears.
Being convinced of many different diseases.
Couldn't even imagine myself flying, seems impossible.
Inability to sleep.
Lack of motivation.
Slightly elevated pulse.
Panic Attacks triggered by small things.
Constant incessant worries.
Inability to clear mind.
Inability to relax.
Mood swings.
Muscular pains.

I have never received counselling, my gp tells me that the waiting list for this is too long and that I am better off finding ways to manage my anxiety myself. He also told me not to use google for self diagnosis of the various physical symptoms I encounter, lol. I still do though! I was on anti-depressants for 6 months about 3 years ago but they were awful, made me feel like a robot, it was like I was constantly on auto pilot all the time. I was also on propranalol for a while but they didn't seem to make any difference whatsoever. I wish someone could wave a magic wand and make my anxiety disappear. I always tell my partner that if someone offered me the choice of a million pounds or that they could completely cure my anxiety problems, I would definetely choose the cure.

26-09-09, 06:14
Ahh, thanks everyone, I thought I had GAD, thought the counciler I had told me he didn't want to make a specific diagnosis at risk of prepetuating it. Though I would rather know what it was in order to understand what it was that was happening. Yeah i've suffered from it for about 3 years now, I feel as though I can't live my life, i'm only 20, it has made things very difficult. Yeah I had to wait a few months for counceling too, it helped a bit, and helped me rationalise instrusive thoughts etc which was good. But it's still very prevelent. I'm scared of taking any medication, incase of side effects, I think it would kind of make me worse. And I don't think it's right treating a psychological problem with drugs, as I can't see it making it go away, just temporarily numbing it I guess. Still we have to soldier on and hope for the best. I do wish someone could wave a magic wand haha, would be brilliant!

27-09-09, 11:43
I was diagnosed with GAD about 3 years ago and I have the same symptoms on the list most of the time in different strengths depending on how stressed I am at the time. I have had some counselling which helped at the time just to talk about how I felt really helped, I have also had some CBT which helped stop the panick attacks so much as I kept thinking I was going to die or faint every time I had one. CBT helped me to realise that I was not going to faint it was just my reaction to scary situations, this helped me more than any other single thing. I have been on venlafaxine too when I first went on it I was on 75mg and it stopped all of the physical symptoms and helped the mental ones too. I am now down to 37.5mg and coping ok. I do have bad flare ups though and really need someone to talk to at the time, I have been on this site alot but don't always get an answer but keep trying. I also felt better once I was diagnosed as I thought I was going mad, I was actually quite relieved. Good luck Nic