View Full Version : booze and flirting, why?

23-09-09, 06:02
i got told off a doctor after a few years of not going there, that i had severe clinical depresion, and then what.
nothing, lost my partner, because i was taking 40 mg of citalopram, so i dont really live with people on this planet.
just found out that really i can question these tablets, because there might be better ones for me x
plus i cant stop chatting up younger girls which might sound eallly great but .its not. why?

25-09-09, 00:14
Sounds like the pills are making you very socially uninhibited. You might ask your Doc for other pills but you might have to ween yourself off the current ones (which might also be difficult).

I once took Buspar and felt very "loved up" although still very introverted.

25-09-09, 20:46
yeah it does sound like the pills might be affecting you a bit like when you have drank too much alcohol and you do things you wouldn't normally do.
change the tablets or even try a different doctor?

25-09-09, 21:17

I think any meds should make you feel more like your old self again. Not a different person. See your doc again. Even the fact that you're questioning your actions shows that you don't feel okay.
Take care