View Full Version : so scared... sister is in hospital!!

23-09-09, 07:01
my little sister has had h1n1 since saturday... she was having trouble breathing so my dad took her to the ER earlier tonight.

i guess it turned into pneumonia =((((( and she has to stay the night!

im so worried and scared... shes so skinny and frail, i really hope she can fight off the infection!

has anyone ever been hospitalized for h1n1/pneumonia??? im so scared and i wanna know that shes gonna be ok!!

23-09-09, 15:26
So sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she gets better.


23-09-09, 15:34
One good thing is that your sister is in hospital and she will receive treatment that will help her. Pneumonia sounds frightening but responds very well to treatment, especially in young people. My son didn't have h1n1 but has chronic lung disease and had pneumonia. He was admitted to hospital and made a full recovery. He is a wee skinny thing as well! Please try not to worry. She's in the best hands.
Myra x

23-09-09, 15:40
Hi kmlittleton, so so sorry to hear about your sister. I just wanted to say my dad had Pneumonia when he was younger back when the asian flu was out which was far worse than this swine flu and he had that to and he stayed in hospital and was fine afterwards. young people are stronger and the hospitals know what they are doing she is in the best place possible. hope she recovers soon and comes home to you all. Blessings. xx

23-09-09, 23:25
update: my sister (she's 14, by the way) was moved into the pediatric ICU last night. she's been on a breathing machine (like one used for sleep apnia [sp?])

they no longer know if it was caused by swine flu. either way, she has bacterial pneumonia and its very significant in one lung.

im so scared for her... i had to take a xanax and a lunesta last night just so i could get some sleep. this is resurfacing my terrible anxiety. i dont know what to do! i need some reassurance that she's going to be ok...

has anyone had an experience with this or known someone who did??? please, anyone?

23-09-09, 23:39
bacterial pneumonia responds well to antibiotics so i am sure though she may be unwell for some days she will more than likely be fine. She is as others have said in the very best place, it is those who are suffering pneumonia without going for treatment till it is too late for whom the prognosis is bad. Even if both lungs were to be unable to function they have machines that can take over the oxygenation of the blood for a while to allow the infection in the lungs to be treated so try not to worry ... easier said than done i know :-) x x

24-09-09, 18:12
Yeah, bacterial pneumonia is easier fixed than viral pneumonia. She should bounce back quickly. I'm not a doctor or anything, but that's my take on it. I can't tell you not to worry because I worry about everything. That's why I'm here! But I think you'll start seeing progress soon. Hang in there.

05-10-09, 06:43
another update: my sister came home from the hospital on tuesday with antibiotics -- but she's been admitted again tonight because of her high heart rate and extreme chest pain.

idk what to do... im trying to find someone with a similar pneumonia experience but theres no1! she's obviously not getting better...

im so scared.