View Full Version : cough and flutters

23-09-09, 09:22
last year I suffered badly from H. Anx. I have been fine until recently when it has jumped up and bitten me again!

I started with a tickly cough at the time I was anxious when my daughter had suspected swine flu. The cough persisted for 2-3 weeks until i went on holiday when it subsided. When i returned from my hols I picked a stinker of a cold up on the flight, which gave me a bad hacking cough! 2 weeks after the cough started I did the crazy thing of looking up " persistant dry tickly cough" on the internet which basically told me I have anything from lung cancer to heart disease! Since I have been having palpitations and a slight tickly cough which seems to come and go throughout the day.

I bit the bullet, and visited the docs early this week, to see if he could check out my cough and maybe reccomend something to help relieve the tickle.
He told me that It wasnt normal to have cough for up to 2 months and sent me to hospital for a chest X ray. I am awaiting my results but am beside myself. Since I visited the docs/hospital the cough is def. better, but i cant help but fear the worst! I cycle every day and swim twice a week. Surely If it was something serious I would not be able to do these activities without being totally exhausted?. I do sometimes get bad cramps in my back, which
makes me worry a little.

I was told it takes 5 days for the gp to get the results. Do you reckon if i call a day earlier they may have the results?

23-09-09, 10:27
Hi Worrier,
I think you are going to have to sit this one out and wait for your results. Our doctors takes 7-10 days to get back test results. Its always a worrying time waiting with what seems like an eternity.
You sound pretty fit and although Im no expert I think if you had serious probs you wouldnt be able to do what you do.
My son had a cough and was put on antibiotics but after a couple of weeks he was no better. He went for an xray and showed up an infection in his lung, after three days of the right treatment he was back to his old self.
I hope this helps a little, take care.

23-09-09, 14:15
phoned docs and results are in! All is ok. Still have tickly cough but its amazing how much better i feel. goes to show, the brain is a powerfull thing!