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23-09-09, 10:29
Im really worried because I have really bad breast pain and im convinced that its cancer. I have felt around it and I cant feel no lumps or anything, I also went to the doctors 2 weeks ago and she performed a breast exam and told me not to worry as everything felt fine.
Im just sick of worrying about stuff all the time and im crying as I write this, its just like theres one thing after another im only just getting over my fears of a bad heart and know this breast cancer fear has cropped up, but im also losing weight aswell and the doctor did some blood tests eg full blood count and that was normal and she says that she isnt worried.
But im totally convinced that there is something seriously wrong and theres a lump buried deep in my breast or something and neither me or the doctors can feel it.
Im in a right sad state today.

23-09-09, 10:31
most breast cancer symptoms dont include pain, there is no lump, your doctor has examined and confirmed this. I too have breast pain and can only put it down to hormones or weight gain. You are fine.

23-09-09, 11:03
Maybe your weight loss is due to all the worrying - it can make you lose your appetite. Agree with Janni, pain is not a usual symptom of bc, also, not wanting to believe or be reassured by your doctor is typical of health anxiety in a lot of cases. I also think that a lot of doctors are extra cautious these days for fear of litigation. I'm sure if your doctor had the slightest worry, she'd have referred you.