View Full Version : Not a good day

23-09-09, 12:47
Today I feel awful, everything hurts, have no energy just want to lie down. I was feeling really good last week.

Do you think it could be my increased prozac?

Fed up

23-09-09, 13:06
probabley is stopped takng mne 20mg after 16 days because felt terd all yur symtoms but beleve t r not after 2 days felt normal no panc no anxety coldnt believe t it must have been the prosac ..anyway ths week started them again.because anxiety came back bad but today feel lke you plus woozy head so must be the same for both of uslets hope we feel better soon margaret:bighug1:

23-09-09, 13:07

Why did you increase your Prozac if you were feeling good ?

23-09-09, 17:53
The doctor increased my dosage as I was still have aches, pains and tiredness but not as bad as I was getting it. If that makes sense.