View Full Version : heart murmur help

23-09-09, 13:00
Hi there,

For the past 2 weeks I have been experiencing what I believe are eptopic beats. So after 4 years of having a health anxiety surrounding my heart I decided that I should go to the doctors and get checked out.

I daily check my pulse...Im actually almost always checking it pretty much 24/7, I have given up smoking and drinking as these also gave me palpitations and a racing heart...I believed that today would finally cure me of my health anxiety as I would be told that there was nothing wrong....BUT....

Had an ECG and Dr listened to my heart then told me that there was a systolic murmur and she would like me to have blood tests, a 24 hr ecg and a scan to 'rule anything out'!!! I am now absolutely petrified and my anxiety has gone into overdrive.

I have had 2 children and 3 previous ECGs (some years ago when I had severe panic attacks) and no one ever mention a murmur. I really do not know what to expect and I am terrified that they will find something really wrong.

Has anyone had the same experience or similar...or who can put my mind at rest slightly about these tests. I keep telling myself it is routine but the little voice in my head is telling me that I have a serious heart condition!!!:weep:

23-09-09, 13:16
Hi dollypanic,
Im not too sure what a heart murmer is but my mum had one when pregnant with one of my siblings. I know a lot of people have them, my friend has one and it doesnt even get checked now.
I get those dreaded palps now and again and unfortunatley as you know the more you worry the worse they get. Its taken a long time but recently Ive been able to tell them to bog off and its worked!
I know Im not much help to you but just wanted to send you a hug and let you know I am thinking of you.
Carol x

23-09-09, 15:09
My Grandma had a heart murmur all her life and died at 98 years - and my sister has one, and she is 50... she has no problems because of it... they like to keep an eye on it though.

anxious elephant999
23-09-09, 18:34
Hi i have a heart mumur which is said to be a leaky heart valve ive known about it for about 18 years and had no problems , although it does cross my mind often as i myself have health anxiety ,but try not to worry about it , lots of people have them my mum has had one all her life and shes 65 and had no problems