View Full Version : Cant take this anymore

anxious elephant999
23-09-09, 13:42
Hi all i cant take this anymore im constantly dizzy which scares me and constantly worrying about the dizziness getting worse im crippled by it i darnt move my head or eyes or do anything for that matter im so unhappy , been in bed for 4 days im so depressed , had to reduce my meds ready to change to another as present ones are doing nothing , i wake up in the early hours 3 or 4ish and am so anxious , so dizzy ,crying , heaving ,having diarreah (cant spell ) shaking , but yet all day i feel so tired i feel like ive been drugged , like i dont know what im doing , if i do fall to sleep i wake up in a panic and feel so confused, like i dont know where i am , nothing feels right , my emotions , my surroundings , my mind feels like im losing it and im scared i will go mad i just see myself in a hospital sat in a corner rocking and its freaking me out , im so scared of dying yet i dont want to live at the moment , im in a constant state of panic 24/7 with adrenaline surges , 24/7 ,pounding heart ,dizziness , i just feel safer with my eyes closed but then get scared when i fall to sleep please someone help me , im scared the dizziness is something bad coz it makes me feel so sick and im depressed and have severe agrophobia due to the dizziness

23-09-09, 13:44
Hi Ya

Sorry you are feeling so bad again
you say you are changing your meds what are you on now and what are you changing to as a lot of these meds can cause your symptoms x

anxious elephant999
23-09-09, 13:54
Well i was on duloxetine till middle of august and i didnt think they were doing anything so i decided to change to escitralopram which i have tried before and didnt work ( dont know why i thought they would now) anyway been on these about 4 weeks and i am so bad that i rang psychatrist and told her i want to go back on duloxetine , so its all my own fault in a way , but just felt like i wasnt getting anywhere , i cant go on ssris because they dont work on me anymore and im too scared to try tricyclics as they have much worse side effects so i will just have to hope the duloxetine works a bit better this time ,but not sure i can make it through till next week when i start them again , or the weeks following when its getting into my system

23-09-09, 14:02
Not sure about all the different meds but have you tried prozac
i feel so bad for you as you have had it so tough over the last couple of weeks i have been a member
wish there was more i could say to help but i guess you have had enough of best wishes

x x