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View Full Version : Worried and feeling down

23-09-09, 15:23
Hi all. I just wanted to ask if any of you ever feel like this. Lately i've been having problems with worrying about things affecting my health, like putting on new clothes in cas i have a reaction to the dyes or the fabirc cleaner used at the factory. Also constant worry with clothes in case someone in the house uses a diff fabric softener etc which i may react to. I don't think i would but when i was a kid i had a reaction to one brand. Also i worry about food, im so scared ill get food posioning i often don't eat alot of whats on my plate and also with drinks i worry germs could have got into the glass so i constantly wash and change them. I know it's silly but its really getting me down and making my painc attacks worse. This has been happening with everything. Like today i didn't even want to brush my teeth cos someone had left a bottle of bathroom cleaner near the tooth brush holder and i was worried about it somehow getting onto the tooth brush. I just need to know i'm not alone in these fears.

23-09-09, 15:32
Sounds to me like you may have a bit of obsessive/compulsive disorder (of course I am not a Dr and only a trained medical professional can tell you for sure). Seems to me that this type of daily actions can come with anxiety.

I am kind of the same way, I have to wash my cups out three times or else (or else what?? I don't know, I just feel like something bad will happen if I don't). It kind of makes me feel like that "Monk" guy on TV - ever see that show, he is a germ/clean freak!

The truth is our bodies are built to take on germs - even if a germ did get through the glass more than likely nothing would happen. I wish my brain would realize that and leave me alone sometimes!!

23-09-09, 15:42
Thanks barbn for the reply, it made me feel a little better. Lol i watched that show before, i feel like him to sometimes i hate touching other people and shaking hands etc.

23-09-09, 15:54
Hi Pixel, just wanted to let you know some of what you are going through sounds like OCD. I am a very obsessive and compulsive person and have been as long as I can remember. I have gone through what you are with the contamination issue. I also suffered from anxiety and panic, I have gotten rid of those but the OCD is still here and I thinks it is because I have not change my routines. I know the feeling of not wanting to do something because of the "what ifs". I am trying to work on the little things that I do 1 at a time. Please try and not let the "what ifs" control you. It is all about fear just like anxiety and panic and once it sets in it is so hard to get rid of it. My doctor told me to tackle 1 at a time and when I am doing it, tell myself.."what if..what if nothing"...you can do this.