View Full Version : Age and sex

23-09-09, 15:29
Hi All

I have been using this site for a couple of weeks and im wordering if i am in the minority
I am a 46 year old male where as most people on here seem to be under 30 and in the main female

is that the case or am i seeing it wrong as i feel a bit odd being an "old man with this problem"

23-09-09, 15:42
I'm 51 and female. Yes, it is probably more female than male, but we've all got the same problems in common - anxiety symptoms! I think maybe if you've had symptoms on and off for a while you can be a bit of support to someone no matter what age. That's what I like to think anyway.

23-09-09, 15:42
Hi Marc,

What problem are you referring to? I am a 40 year old male and I use this site.
You are right about the higher proportion of site users being female. But ultimately this is a social networking site and men as a rule are not as sociable as women. Also men tend to be more reluctant to admit they have difficulties. So I would not let it concern you, If this site was predominately used by men we would only be discussing football and cars. :D

Hope that helps


23-09-09, 15:48

i was getting a bit of a hang up about it
but you are both right thanks again

23-09-09, 15:54
Hi Marc

I'm 37 and female but don't tell the others as they think i am only 21 :whistles: Lol

We do have alot of male members although i would say yes there are more females.

Take care

23-09-09, 15:58
im not male but i am a female of 40 wish i was under 30 though lol

23-09-09, 15:58
I am 43 and female.

I just looked at the stats on the site and we have in total (not necessarily active)

females: 7166 members
males: 3631 members

So about 50% less men

23-09-09, 16:03
Hi Marc

i am 42 and female, and i agree with what everything everyone has said. I have noticed that sometimes you have members posting but you cant tell wether they are male or female from their name or post, and you respond to their situation, without age or sex coming into it.so really age or sex doesnt really matter, its the nature of our problem we have in common.

best wishes

P x :flowers:

23-09-09, 16:04
Happy to chat to anyone and you all have been of so much help

just started thinking i was odd getting panic attacks at such a late stage

Thanks All x x

23-09-09, 16:10
Marc, panic and anxiety are not discriminatory, they can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.

All the best


23-09-09, 16:14
Thanks John

23-09-09, 16:42
I am 34( well actually almost 35 but shhhhh )and female but with all the worries the anxiety the fears i feel lik 100 years old -;)

23-09-09, 16:53
Know exactly what you mean Fran lol

23-09-09, 17:05
Hiya Panic

It's thought that the split is actually 50/50, but men are less likely to discuss it.

42 and male btw

23-09-09, 17:11
We do seem less likely to discuss panic and anxiety, i know it was hard for me to tell people (seems silly now) although i must say this site is a godsend

23-09-09, 17:25
im 30 and female

i think men dont really admit to there problems as woman do i have seen alot more men on here that used to be.

but hey we are all here for the same thing

23-09-09, 17:32
34 Male.
I admit my problems too much. Thats the problem.

23-09-09, 17:34
Hi mate!
Not odd at all im male mine started when i was 25 but its still here and now am 40! Wish it would have hung on a bit lol

24-09-09, 00:10
I'm female, but I don't think anxiety is solely, or even mostly a woman's problem, the majority of other anxiety sufferers I know in real life are male. They just don't talk about it. As a result they tend to suffer more, I think. Talking is good. There's still something in our culture that makes some men feel weak for asking for help, especially for something like anxiety or depression. It's sad.

24-09-09, 00:37
21, male. I'm a weirdo lol.

24-09-09, 00:41
im 25 and male...............im guessing health anxiety is common to men and women probably about equally but men talk about it less as they think it shows they are weak!

some men in general are very stubborn when it comes to health........my male cousin for instance had bad bowel problems and was in severe pain for over 6 months before he saw a doctor! he actually only went to doc when he collapsed and was rushed to hospital!

24-09-09, 15:07
I'm 51 & female. Getting better slowly, mainly thanks to this board & some books people here recommended.
I agree about men being perhaps a bit more reluctant to admit they have problems - especially ones which might be classed as "mental problems" blush blush! I've got a male friend of 35 who has OCD, HA,back problems & a fear of cars/driving [what is that called!] - I've recommended this site to him over & over again but he says he's just too embarrassed to admit to his problems to "strangers" even under an anonymous name! Good on you guys for getting out there and telling it like it is!

PS: Hi JohnLuke - glad to see another Bene Gesserit on the site! Great mantra, isn't it?

24-09-09, 16:09
No it's not just the ladies. Male, 43 and anxious since I was about 6. That's a lot of anxious...:unsure:

Cell block H fan
24-09-09, 16:14
38, female

24-09-09, 18:12
50 and male. anxious for a long time.
Agree that men hate talking bout it, and not really into chatting emotionaly.

Not a bloke thing, but sure I bet same number of anxious males about


24-09-09, 18:35
23 and male. I found it hard to accept a few months back when anxiety struck and didn't talk much about it. Still dont that much but this sight has helped alot and some of my family. Not the male members i might add.

25-09-09, 03:33
38 and male and it took me years to admit to my wife that I have health anxiety. Thankfully, she understands as much as someone without anxiety can.

25-09-09, 14:26
In my opinion, I think men can suffer just as much but they are less likely to seek help for it esp on web sites like this. My hubby has suffered from anxiety for years but wouldn't automatically turn to a site like this, also my uncle who is the same would look on this site but not post about his problems. Woman are more open and able to talk about it. Well done for being able to bring yours to the fore front as it helps us too xxxx

25-09-09, 14:27
Oh, also am 34 and female, been suffering from health anxiety,panic attacks since my daugher was born 7 years ago, but been through alot in my life also xxxx

25-09-09, 14:32
Thanks Pauline x

25-09-09, 22:09
Im 37 and started getting panic attacks for the first time last year but have had the health anxiety since i was about 30

mandie x

27-09-09, 11:26
43, Male. I have found this forum has set my mind at ease on many occasions. I read alot of posts and have only recently become more active in responding to posts.

27-09-09, 11:27
33, Male.

27-09-09, 11:33
Im 19 and female

29-09-09, 16:06
I'm 32, male. Have always felt anxious but depression and OCD started in my 20s...

29-09-09, 16:33
I'm 21, female. Panic doesn't pick and choose who to burden itself with. We are all in the same boat :)

05-11-09, 23:23
im eighteen and female, had anxiety since I was about eight, and panic attacks since I was sixteen.

06-11-09, 00:03
I'm 42 and female.

I thnk women are more able to express feelings about panic or anxiety. Most men tend to hide their feelngs and emotions - so I think the mix is close to 50/50

06-11-09, 08:01
Most men tend to hide their feelngs and emotions - so I think the mix is close to 50/50

I didn't hide my emotions last night when I lost £20 on the football, everyone around me knew exactly how I was feeling

06-11-09, 09:40
Hi Marc : )

Phew... i was almost squinting my eyes when i saw the title of this thread lol.

Maybe the reason there are more women is because a lot of men don't want to admit they have anxiety/depression problems.... which shows that you are a strong man being able to talk about it. As for the age yeah you're an old codger!!! lol and i'm not far behind!!

(p.s. no Marcs were hurt in the making of this comment.. he knows im joking !))

06-11-09, 10:18
I didn't hide my emotions last night when I lost £20 on the football, everyone around me knew exactly how I was feeling

Jaco you loon :roflmao:

06-11-09, 10:37
29 female and 30 in 3 weeks :-( now thats enough to be depressed about lol

06-11-09, 12:26
26 and female.

Lived with the joys of Panic attacks/ agoraphobia and bits of SA on and off since i was 17.

I do know a few males who suffer quite badly with anxiety it's just they seem to take a little longer in talking about it.

06-11-09, 12:47
Thanks Mand lol

06-11-09, 13:07
Hi Marc

Just wanted to say hello (I'm 39 and female). I agree with John - any age or gender can be affected. So don't feel inferior!:)

06-11-09, 13:50
23 male... suffer terrible health anxiety

06-11-09, 14:04
28-year-old woman and I have had this since 23, and I suspect (if I survive my various "cancers") I will still be on this board at 72... :winks:

06-11-09, 18:11
Male in my 60's- have lived with anxiety for over twenty years-we are not alone !!!

agent orange
06-11-09, 18:57
Male 41, married with kids, suffer from Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder with Hypochondriasis which is basically Health anxiety. Suffered for many years now...

06-11-09, 19:06
29...Female...had anxiety here and there since childhood but nothing more than small worries.

3 years ago my sister died in the hospital after a long battle with illness and an organ transplant. Had a lot of problems with that. Then earlier this year I collapsed while working out at the gym and woke up with extreme lightheadedness and vertigo. After many ER visits and scans and blood tests...I have an inner ear disorder that won't go away....triggered full blown anxiety and panic over my illness and memories of my sister's traumas.

06-11-09, 20:37
I'm a 38 year old guy . Have had anxiety since my early 20s but was dealing with it until about 5mts ago when i had a traumatic medical experienc internal bleedingding brought on by taking aspirin
as i thought i was going to have a heart attack or stroke . Ended up losing 5 pints of blood and getting 4 blood transfusions and being in hospital for 2 weeks . Since then anxiety is through the roof . meds meds are helping and this site . thank god.

07-11-09, 14:17
i am a 41 old male the last time i looked anyway ha ha ha ,

07-11-09, 14:57
Hi Marc,

I think John has hit upon something here. You only have to look at the large majority of males and they struggle to admit they are experiencing difficulties (of any kind, including needing directions on a road trip), let alone ask for help with them. I think that a lot of people with anxiety are actually really brave as they are dealing every day with fears that seem absolutely real to them and that don't even occur to non-anxiety sufferers. The fact that you've had further courage to seek help on this site and to actually offer your experience and knowledge to try and help others is something to be proud of. So don't worry about age or gender.

Take care,
