View Full Version : eed some encouragement to carry on taking the pills

23-09-09, 17:05
I'm on day 16 of taking 10mg.
The first 10 days were tough - I had the full repertoire of SE's, including the hellish first night, complete with a brief psychotic episode. (the first pill I took was 20mg, so my GP instantly reduced it to 10mg).

At the end of last week, I really thought I'd made a breakthrough - no panic or anxiety, appetite back, sleeping pretty well, more energy, feeling pretty positive about the future.

However, I've been back to feeling dreadful since Monday night. Last night was almost as bad as the first night - I went to bed shaking, with my heart pounding and it carried on pretty much all night. Woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and have been tearful all day. I can barely eat (not good, since I have been told by my GP that I can't lose any more weight) and I'm dreading going to bed tonight.

My anxiety was mild before I started the pills, and I'm also suffering from depression, but I was functioning. Today it has taken all my energy to do the school run.

My GP did say that if the heightened anxiety continued for much longer, I'd have to consider a different medication - but I really don't want to play the lottery with other SSRI's after the dreadful side effects I've had with citalopram.

Anyone got any words of encouragement/experience, please?
I really want to see it through, but I'm not sure I can take another week of feeling like this.

23-09-09, 17:41
Hi love...
Not sure about encouragement but im on week 6 of 20mg and still perservering with citalopram. Still getting sides but nothing as bad as first few weeks. Reason im sticking with it is i was previously on them for nearly ten years and they worked well for me just for some reason they seem to take much longer to work with me but as lots of peeps say were all very different. Had a look on NHS website and they recommend giving it 12 weeks before considering a switch! Youre very early days and like i keep telling people these aint headache tablets that make it go in an hour...
Good luck honey

23-09-09, 17:44
I was on citalopram and l found it the mildest SSRI in terms of side effects. Paroxetine and fluoxetine were harsher for me. I'm on sertraline now because none of the others really helped my depression. I've been on it a month and l'm only now starting to feel better. The side effects (apart from my libido which is nonexistant!) are pretty much gone, along with a lot of the anxiety I had in the first couple of weeks.
It does get better after 3-4 weeks, so l would give it at least a month to see whether it's helping you before you decide to change it.
Wish you well

23-09-09, 20:16
day 23 for me on 20mg of Citalopram and week 1 was a nightmare...week 2 some good moments and week 3 back to nightmare again - took my period 6 days ago which mite explain the sadness again. i have never taken ADs before so am finding it v difficult to be hopeful of a day when i will wake up and feel my 'old self' again...i notice that a lot of comments say give Cit a month so will try to persevere - yesterday i broke down tho and wept openly in front of my friend for 10mins...ended up having to tell her that i am on ADs...keep posting the success stories please!! xx

23-09-09, 20:56
I am taking Citalopram and been taking it since March. I went through some horrid side effects, but as time has gone on I no longer have the side effects. Most people who take anti depressants for a longer period of time, when they get used to them, all seem to agree that the side effects diminish. Its like you have to go through the horrid part to come out the other side.
I received some really good support and advice off some of the lovely people on this site and honestly that is one of the main reasons for me continuing when I was having really bad days.
My gp started me on the lowest dose as he says starting on a higher dose increases side effects and that it is best to start on a low dose and increase the dose gradually over time.
I can honestly say that I am so much better than what I was and other people have noticed. I still have problems with agoraphobia but Citalopram has almost taken away all of my anxiety in other ways. I just wish I had taken them long before what I did because of the difference they have made to how I feel. I suffered for so long without medication when looking back I realise I didnt have to.
I combine other self help methods to help my anxiety as well as taking the tablets, plus I have counselling too.
It took much longer for the tablets to work for me than the 4-6 weeks that gps quote. I think everyone is individual in when the tablets work for them. Too many people give up before the tablets start to work, saying that the tablets dont work for them. The side effects to begin with although not pleasant, are worth it I found to get to the point when the tablets do kick in.
I know it is difficult but try really persevering with the Citalopram, as things will not stay as they are now, but obviously if you feel really ill on them, then speak to your gp about it.
I hope you soon start to feel better.:hugs:

23-09-09, 21:15
Hey poppy you just made my day!!! Thankyou x
Was beginning to think it was just me that took longer than 4-6 weeks that everybody goes on about! And it was beginning to cause me concern (6 weeks now) was on them before for years but couldnt recall how long it took for them to settle.

23-09-09, 21:25

I am not sure how much encouragement I can give but I was on Citalipram for years but the anxiety kept coming back however of all the anti depressants I was put on they were the most effective and will probably work well for you. I am now on a mood stabiliser called Quetiapine XL 400mg, the max is 800mg, however they were prescribed by my physiatrist not GP, my physiatrist says anti depressants are depressants! However there are lots of opinions out there you have to find what is best for you. I know how you feel anxiety is worst feeling in the world, try and stay calm there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I really hope it all works out for you.

Nicola x

25-09-09, 16:29
Thanks for your replies, guys.

Yesterday was a much better day and I felt really positive again and wondered why I'd made such a fuss.:yesyes:
However, I didn't take a sleeping pill last night and woke up suddenly, feeling as though I was going to be sick. Shaking, sweating etc. I managed to calm myself out of it and fell asleep again, but woke up again later, feeling the same way.
Today has been rough. I feel like my heart is in my mouth and I'm waiting for something awful to happen. It's so tiring, and I can't get on with anything.

I think I may go back to my GP and ask for something to see me through the worst days - maybe beta blockers?

It's so frustrating - the good days are great, the bad days are horrible.:weep:

25-09-09, 17:40
What you are feeling is how I felt too. I woke up through the night constantly sweating having anx attacks .I was given several different meds ,but none helped really just made me feel worse ie sicker ..Beta blockers will stop the palps ,but they dont do much else ..Diazapam will take the edge off the anxiety a bit until it all passes.Worth trying tho ,if your Dr agrees .Take care ,it does get better .Sue x

25-09-09, 18:25
Thanks Sue.
I ended up ringing my GP, who immediately told me to stop the Citalopram - she is trying hard to find out whether it's my own anxiety or the meds.
I told her that I was loathe to stop and try something else, only to find that the "something else" was as bad.
She took my point (she is fantastic), and said that i sounded really bad and needed diazapam to take the edge off. Unfortunately, I have no one at home with me this weekend - and my 2 small children to look after, which she didn't think was a good idea.
So, plan B - stick it out until Monday and then go and see her again to decide what to do next.


I really hope tomorrow is a better day.

26-09-09, 20:50
Today has been a better day, so now I'm thinking that the increased anxiety I get is me, NOT the Citalopram.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing, to be honest - if it was the meds, I could come off them and expect to feel better...if it's me, I guess I'm going to have to sweat it out until the Citalopram kicks in.:ohmy:

The sad thing is, I have never previously been aware of anxiety - even up until having the anti d's prescribed. Sure, I had some "wobbles" but NOTHING like I've felt since starting the tablets.

So confusing.:shrug:

29-09-09, 12:25
I can relate to the increased anxiety! I've previously been on Citalopram for 6-7 years and they did wonders for me. Now I tried to cut back it didnt go that well and Im now on Cipralex (a more refined version of Citalopram).

Im on week 6 on 10mg now and my anxiety is still much higher than it was before I began with the meds, last couple of days has been particular awful. I keep having chest pains that wont go away and feel lethargic and battered.

I cannot recall how long it took for the meds to kick in last time I started them as I have forgotten most of it, but I guess Im one of those that needs a long time as well. Im going to stick with it at least for another 6 weeks!

I read somewhere that these kinds of meds works the best on those that experience the worst side effects, if thats the case I should be 110% well in no time :P

29-09-09, 12:58
Im on day 2 of my 2nd lot of citalopram. I used them for about 5 months from last october for mild depression. I had no side effects and i was feeling better after a few months. Suddenly i got sever anxiety and i think depression although the test showed up i wasnt but now im on 10mg for a week then 20 mg for 6 months.

Ive been sick and felt really drowsy this morning, everything was heavy and i just couldnt go to work in case i crashed the car on the way there! But im hoping these side effects go!

They worked so well for me last time im positive enough to keep going at them!:D

29-09-09, 13:06
sorry to here some of you having theses problems with citalopram , im considering starting them ,as doc given me 10mg as suffer bad health anx , but worried about side effects ..hmm

30-09-09, 11:09
Hey well the side effects are soemthing you have to work through to get to the good side of it! Im having a better day than yesterday so far :)