View Full Version : Terrified of colon cancer and need help PLEASE!

23-09-09, 17:31
I am a 38 yr old male and in good physical condition (I am a runner). For many years I have dealt with HA. I am not taking any medication as it was pretty much under control. I had a routine physical today with a new doctor. I don’t like going to the doctor and my previous doctor moved so I had to see a new guy. I related to him that I suffer from health anxiety and that it causes physical symptoms. I discussed my GERD, my various aches and pains. I also mentioned that for at least a couple of years I have experienced recurring but not constant thin, flat stools, bloating, some diarrhea and some migrating abdominal pain. I told him that taking fiber helps and give me more normal but not always normal shaped stools. I will have a thin stool, a ribbon shaped stool and then I will take fiber supplements and I will get either a close to normal stool or at least a stool that has wide sections and then narrow sections. I was really hoping that he would chalk it up to anxiety. Instead he wants a colonoscopy and starts telling me stories of patients who died in their twenties due to colon cancer. He said he thinks it is IBS but the damage is done. I have an appt with a specialist in about week. I am totally falling apart right now. I have had these symptoms for at least a couple of years and I am completely panicking thinking that this has been cancer all along and that I am going to die soon. I have also had some pressure in the area of my rectum that comes and goes. What I need is some reassurance that these are IBS or something that isn’t going to kill me. Any info is fine, even just someone who will talk to me. My wife won’t understand and I am barely holding it together. Anybody, please respond.

23-09-09, 22:46
How irresponsible of your doctor to tell you those things! Especially when he knew you suffered from anxiety. I'd make a complaint about him if I were you!

I'm a 22-year-old woman, I've had the same sympthoms as you. IBS, heartburn, bloating, abdominal cramps, loose stools, the works. Then I started passing a LOT of blood about two months ago, my doctor sent me for a flexible sigmoidoscopy (which is like a mini colonoscopy I think). I was panicking big time, but the procedure was nowhere near as bad as I thought. The doctor took some biopsies, and I have to go back for my results in a couple of weeks, but he told me at the time that it's definitely not anything sinister.

It sounds like you have just got IBS, or even mild colitis which is what the doc suspects I have.

23-09-09, 23:41
Hi, I think you need to find a new doctor. What an idiot to say things like that to you when you told him about your HA. To make you feel a bit better my husband has all the same symptoms as you but as he doesnt suffer from HA so its no big deal to him. He just walks out of the toilet and either says " ahhh that was a good one " or " that hurt a bit, bit of blood this time " It all depends on what he has eaten. Im sure everything is fine. Its your HA going crazy as it now has something to focus on. Let us know how you go. Adelle.:bighug1:

24-09-09, 02:32
It is the thin/flat stools that again has me freaked out. I have read they are from IBS but my doctor has me over the moon with worry. I think you may be right about needing a new doctor.

24-09-09, 10:36
j2, I actually have a mild colitis and have experienced all your symptoms and more. That is not to say that is what you have, but having been under specialist care for 12 years, I can tell you that a huge range of bowel habits are not necessarily sinister. I have had 3 colonoscopies, don't worry too much about the procedure itself. Obviously the only thing that will give you complete reassurance is an all clear, but try to focus on the other much more likely outcomes. I agree also with the other posters who say you should find a more sensitive doctor.

24-09-09, 10:57
How grossly insensitive of your doctor - I agree with everyone else that you shouldn't go back to him. I wonder how many doctors are aware of HA? I mentioned it to my doctor once (the only time I have) and he said 'that must be unpleasant for you' and changed the subject. I would have thought it highly unlikely that your symptoms are anything serious, especially if they've been going on for years and you are in good physical condition.

24-09-09, 12:22
Hi j2

don't worry it sounds like textbook IBS. You have no bleeding either, so I really wouldn't worry.

The doctor is taking your symptoms seriously and sending you for a scope - I think this is a good thing, you don't want the doctor just keep saying "it's anxiety, it's anxiety" whenever you go with new symptoms.

Also a scope is a good idea if you have IBS - then you can forget about bowel cancer for years! :) I had one this summer, it's really no big deal if you ask for sedation.

The problem with HA is that if you walk away from the doctor now, you will always wonder and torture yourself and think about bowel cancer and how you didn't have a colonoscopy when it was offered. I advise you to go get the scope and just then think about switching doctors (if you want), if you don't want to go crazy with worry.

You're fine :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


24-09-09, 20:15
Well I have an appt with GI doc in a week. Hopefully he will calm my nerves then. I still wish I knew how to control or at least mitigate this anxiety.
Right now I feel horrible and can't stop thinking about my health.