View Full Version : Migraine visual disturbances query.

23-09-09, 17:32
I gave myself a panic attack today, after 6 weeks of being ok when, as I got out of the bath and stood up, all I could see where these specs of light moving like shooting stars, or what sperm looks like when its swimming (strange but very like what I saw)
my eyes have been aching for a few weeks, but with no real problems

Then about 15 mins later I had a migraine. I'm assuming these were aura symptoms as in the last 24 hours i've been extremely tired along with a craving for choclate. They scared me as, if this is aura, i've never had it before, just gone straight into a migraine. My sleep has been disrupted since may, so it could also be tiredness, but either way, just need reassurance


23-09-09, 17:38

The fact that you had a migraine 15 mins later sounds as if it was an aura. This is how migraine affects me. I don't take them that often but when I do I always have an aura first. Mines are usually zig-zag lines or else I can only see out half of each eye - sounds weird but that how it seems. Migraines do make you feel very tired after them. Don't be scared of auras, they don't last long and don't do you any harm. Stress and tiredness can make you more prone to migraines so try to get enough rest. Try and relax.

anxious elephant999
23-09-09, 18:30
hi my mum suffers reallly bad with migrains and always gets funny zig zag lines in her eyes or vision loss in half her field of sight , once she couldnt use her hand either we thought it was a stroke but after lots of tests at the hospital it was just put down to her migraines so dont worry about the visual things :)

23-09-09, 20:06

I have zig zag lines with my migraine and like anxious elephant999's mum I lose my vision and cannot use my hand. Its really scary and thankfully after MRI's etc was told it is migraine. They are horrible things and your lights definitely sound like aura.

Hope you feel better soon.

23-09-09, 20:23
The "shooting stars" and "specs of light" you describe sounds more like blood pressure to me. I get that sometimes if I stand up too quickly or I'm feeling a bit off colour.
I suspect the fact you had a panick attack may have given you the migraine.
BTW, my blood pressure is always in the normal range when they test me.


23-09-09, 20:33
I had this hen i went dentist i was really worked up,blood pressure not dangerous can do this,moving to quickly,stress,migraines,go to the doctors get checked im sure you will be fine x