View Full Version : i really want to overcome panic disorder

23-09-09, 19:05
Hi my names claire and ive been recommend to join this site and connect with people sharing similar problems as me.

Im at uni and developed panic disorder at sixth form nearly two years ago, just recently i have started seeing a councillor and she has given me tips and tasks to complete. I sometimes wish so hard it would all go away but i know it takes time.

I have recently cut out caffeine and now have herbal drinks. I also attend yoga once a week and focus on breathing exercises daily.

Everyday i gasp for breath, every 5minutes somedays and other days it may be less frequent.. every half an hour or every hour. I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem? Sometimes i yawn in public as i dont want people to question why i am breathing this way, because many people do not understand... not even my parents which is quite sad.

I only have a few close friends and only one person do i tell my feelings to as i feel like no-one understands and when i was talking to a collegue at work about my fear of flying (although i still carry on going on holidays) she said i was 'pathetic' - joking - but it really hurt me.

I hope i will get some good responses and helpful advice. What is everyone else doing to help themselves overcome this?

Take care guys...

Claire x:) x

23-09-09, 19:36
Hi Clair

Im sure you will get lots of help and advice here
welcome x

23-09-09, 19:39

Get a copy of Claire Weekes Hope and Help for your nerves and give it a good read.

Trust me ;)

And welcome

23-09-09, 20:02
Hi Claire

I have just joined too and have not even got around to introducing myself when I was looking through the posts and recognised your breathing traits. Has anyone mentioned Chronic Hyperventilation to you? There are other symptoms associated with it so I am not trying to diagnose you. I have just been told well my Psychiatrist suspects I am suffering from Chronic Hyperventilation at rest and I am the same with the breathing, it is almost like you have to keep catching your breath and think about breathing allot of the time. I do have many of the other symptoms too but when I read about Chronic Hyperventilation it was like everything suddenly made sense. Anyway good luck and I hope this site helps you as much as I hope it will me,

Take care


23-09-09, 20:09
Hi, :welcome:

Well done on starting seeing the counsellor, thats a positive step :)

Its so frustraighting when people joke about things that to them seem 'easy' but to people like us who suffer from anxiety e.c.t are not easy at all.

Although they think thier comment was a 'joke', it can seem, as you said, very hurtful.

Take Care
