View Full Version : Im New To NoMorePain.. && Looking For Support =]

23-09-09, 19:13
Hi Peeps..
My Names Jordan... Im 19 And Live In The West Midlands Uk.. :D

I Currently Have No Life..!! Stuck In My House Almost Alll The Time :weep:
I Have Social Anxiety.. And I Dont No How To Deal With It..!
I Came Across This Site And It Looks Like Im Not Alone With This..!
Which Is A Relief..!! :bighug1:

Im A Very Happy Young Girl Who Is Trying To Beat This.. Hmm Easy To Say Though..!!
I Cant Seem To Stop These Thoughts.. Basically Im Mind Reading The People I Come Across.. And Also Most Definetly The Physical Side.. Shaking, Stuttering, Racing Heart, Never Still, Sickness/Dizziness... The List Goes On... :scared15:
Its A Nightmare..

Anyway Thanks For Taking Time To Read My Little Intro.. Hehe..:blush:
Kisses.. Jordan..x :bighug:

23-09-09, 19:50
Hi Jordan

Im sure you will find loads of help and advice here
you are definately not alone x

23-09-09, 19:52

You're right...... You are not alone ! :)

There is some great support on this forum, i hope it helps you

Take Care


23-09-09, 22:04
Hi Jordan

Good to see another Midlander!

Five years ago I barely spoke to a soul for reasons you describe. Just been in the situation of meeting new people scared the life out of me, I would blush bright red, get the nausea etc. I would not leave the house and the thought of going to a pub, restaurant etc. scared the life out of me.

Now I'm managing a large team of people, have a great girlfriend and spend too much time in the pub lol so know you can get over the feelings you are having. I joined this forum for other issues I am having which are unrelated and find its great to speak with people who are feeling the same as you!

All the best.

23-09-09, 22:46
Welcome Jordan,

you r not alone -:)

Take care