View Full Version : Having a Bad Day

23-09-09, 20:11

I posted about this the other day, but today I am convinced I am dying as I have just consulted 'Dr Google'. I have a really sore tongue, which feels like it is scalded. It has been like this for ages and I have got used to it. I even went to the doctors about something else today and forgot to mention it!!!
Anyway, tonight it is really sore and I googled 'tongue cancer' and I am convinced I have it. I have a racing heart and feel so worried.

Please can someone reassure me?

Thank you x

23-09-09, 20:20
Tongue cancer is really rare, google is not your friend!! It's so easy to diagnose ourselves with everything under the sun after reading the symptoms, it's best to just stay well away.

A far, far, far more common cause of a sore tongue would be an infection like oral thrush, which can be easily treated if you get some special mouthwash.

If you're really concerned, I think it's always best to get an expert opinion, even if you've been only as recently as today!!

Hope it feels better soon.

23-09-09, 20:26
Thanks pd, I think I am a Google junkie. I am terrible and keep looking until I find the big C, which is my main HA. I could have a sore finger nail and could find cancer of the finger nail if I googled hard enough.

I think I will see how I go over the weekend and then I am going to head back to the docs.

23-09-09, 20:54
Yup I used to do that. It began taking over my life, so no more google! I have a post-it stuck to the edge of my screen warning me against googling symptoms, it never ends well.

Seeing the doctor again sounds like a good idea, they hopefully can put your mind at rest. In the meantime, have a good weekend, and avoid Dr. Google at all costs!

23-09-09, 21:26
Post-it note is a good idea, I think I will give that a go. It drives my husband mad when I google all the time. I wonder if there were less HA sufferers pre-internet?

Thanks for your advice and have a good weekend too.

23-09-09, 22:20
Nah, we'd have found other ways. I for one would have been down at the library with a medical textbook lol.

23-09-09, 22:27
Me and you should be have our hands tied behind our backs petals for googling.


But yeah tongue cancer is very rare and I admit that I had the tounge cancer fears a good few months back after being on two strong doses of antibiotics for a pelvic infection.

The meds killed my"good bacteria" and I got good ole thrush..not just thrush..ORAL thrush TOO,hurrah! So..I was incapapble of walking due to my legs and pelvic feeling on fire,could not pooh as one was constipated to the heavens with all the meds AND (I am getting to a point lol) I had oral thrush and chi chi thrush too so I was tres attractive.. o.O

On a serious note here though,I did google thinking that I had cancer evrywhere and I was dying basically..at the time it really felt it to me. And my tounge looked ODD. sore,burning,looked like ulcers even all over it with little yellow lines,sticky,just messy but I took all this as cancer and then freaked out so much that I lost over a stone in weight and got good ole lump in my throat back aswell which ofcourse was throat cancer.

The.Joys.Of.Anxiety. *rolls eyes*

Hugs for you love. I know how God awful it is


25-09-09, 13:37

So I have been back to the doctors this morning and she has prescribed oral thrush. However, she said the words 'if it doesn't clear up we'll have to get a specialist to have a look' Immediate alarm bells have gone off and I am worried she is worried about it!!!

Of course I Googled when I got home and its says you usually get Oral Thrush after antibiotics or other medication or if your immune system is low, due to cancer, HIV etc. I haven't had any antibiotics or medication so now I am convinced I have an underlying health problem such as cancer that has caused me to get Oral Thrush!!!

I am going mad with worry here. I am hot and sweaty and head pounding. Why can't I just be normal and accept I have thrush!!!!

Thank you for listening and any reassurance would be hugely appreciated. x

Cell block H fan
25-09-09, 14:03

So I have been back to the doctors this morning and she has prescribed oral thrush. However, she said the words 'if it doesn't clear up we'll have to get a specialist to have a look' Immediate alarm bells have gone off and I am worried she is worried about it!!!

Of course I Googled when I got home and its says you usually get Oral Thrush after antibiotics or other medication or if your immune system is low, due to cancer, HIV etc. I haven't had any antibiotics or medication so now I am convinced I have an underlying health problem such as cancer that has caused me to get Oral Thrush!!!

I am going mad with worry here. I am hot and sweaty and head pounding. Why can't I just be normal and accept I have thrush!!!!

Thank you for listening and any reassurance would be hugely appreciated. x

Blimey I cant believe how much you remind me of me! I'm always getting a symptom (I dont goggle anymore) but then go & buy an everyday commonal garden womens magazine & decide that I what I have is actually a secondary cancer & they will do a cat scan eventually & find the primary cancer somewhere else! Its madness (not literally but you know what I mean)
I dont even think of buying womens real life magazines anymore, because someone is bound to have something nasty in there that of course ive got, because I couldn't possibly just have a simple temporary problem that possibly mimmics it in a way! :noangel:

25-09-09, 15:44
I am so bad at googling, I have 'had' every form of cancer going and according to google and I am now convinced I am or have got oral cancer. Cancer is my massive HA. I so want to get rid of it but I have tried everything, counselling, hypnosis you name I have done it.

I feel so miserable today and it's the worse I have felt in months.

25-09-09, 22:11
You can also get a very sore toungue if you are B12 deficiant. You should think about taking a multi vitamin or a Bcomplex vitamin. If you are a bit low, will do you good.
Take care

25-09-09, 22:13

Go and ask your pharmacist. Could be thrush, lack of vitamin b. The pharmacist can give you treatment for this. Hope you feel better soon.