View Full Version : Hello

23-09-09, 20:28

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Nicola and I am 37, I am new to No More Panic I came across the site while researching the latest of what seems to be a long list of illnesses suspected by my Physiatrist.

Chronic Hyperventilation is the latest, I also have unspecified Bi Polar, Adult ADD which has caused sever anxiety in the past, I am on meds so my mood is stable and seems to respond very well to the meds, it is just the anxiety that keeps coming back, I thought I would never suffer a panic attack again after I was diagnosed about 18 months ago and the meds were doing their job but recently I had one which really set me back, I used to be able to do it all, the career, the lifestyle, being a single mother ( not that I am now, I married 3 years ago) but as soon as I became secure and was not taking on the world alone anymore my whole world just stopped and all of a sudden I could do nothing, it was as if I had been fighting so long by my self my body/mind decided it was time it could go into melt down.

So as a consequence I changed my way of living I left the rat race which was a hard decision but being able to spend more time with my daughter is a huge bonus and I would never change that for the world, I have a small business I run and as much as my Physiatrist would like me to live in a cotton wool world of no stress unfortunately there is reality of day to day life. My daughter has also just been diagnosed with ADD she is not on meds yet but is naturally this is causing me worry and there I go off on another panic episode.

Anyway I am garbling maybe brain dumping but it has been a journey of ups and downs, so I am looking to share experiences with people who have been or are going through the same thing whether it be the same types off illnesses or not it would be nice to share thoughts and tips with like minded people and embrace and learn to live with these illnesses.

Nicola :)

23-09-09, 20:30
Hi Ya

Welcome im sure you will find plenty of help and support here x

Veronica H
27-09-09, 12:37
:welcome: Nicola. glad that you are finding a way through this which is right for you and your daughter. Stay strong and glad that you have found us.
