View Full Version : worst at night ?

28-10-05, 17:56
Does anyone else find their anxiety worst at night ?.Iam not too bad during the day but as night falls i can feel my anxiety building . And now the dark nights are here iam dreading the evenings

28-10-05, 18:44
hi mazz, i can totally relate to you, i put a post here about it a few days ago andsomeone mentioned it could be S.A.D, which it probably is.xxx.


28-10-05, 19:16
Hi ya

Mine tends to get worse as the day goes on, and I put it down to tiredness-having too many late nights at the mo.. so as the day goes on, the defences drop.

When you say night, do you mean during the sleeping part, or earlier in the evening?

Are you sleeping OK?


* Stop the world - I wanna get off *

28-10-05, 19:25
i mean as the evening wheres on . the later it gets the worst i feel ?

28-10-05, 19:27
opps meant to say yes iam sleeping ok , but only since i started ciprelax . still wake up some nights say at 4 and iam in total panic

28-10-05, 21:11
Hi Mazz

I have the same problem, nights are more difficult for me, still waking in terror every now and then.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

28-10-05, 22:11
I think it is because during the day time we are preoccupied with the every day things we do, but as the evenings come along, we start to wind down a bit and have more time to think.
Thats when we start to think about the anxiety and then we start to worry and then we start to panic.
Try to take your mind off of it in the evening too, by doing something that you like to do. All the time your mind is busy doing something else, it doesnt have time for the anxiety.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

29-10-05, 05:15
Find some good talk based radio shows where people phone in, preferably interspersed with music. These will help by making you feel less isolated.

We feel alone at night because things are shut down but there are lots of people buzzing around still. I'm going to buy a Ham radio receiver so I can hear people as they drive about the country, also a CB radio can help even if its just hearing the truck drivers voices, it still helps break the isolation.

I have often thought that there must be a forum or chat-room where people who are awake at night and need company can meet up and help each other get through the nighttime hours.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

29-10-05, 10:10
thanks for the replys .it really helps knowing iam not alone with this x