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View Full Version : Doctors Visit

23-09-09, 21:21
Hi all

I discovered this forum only a few days ago and think it is so great to see that I am not alone in what I am currently feeling.

Anyway have been to the docs today with a list of symptoms as long as my arm. The appointment could not come soon enough as last night I felt truly awful with a bad headache, dizzys and chest and back pain. Really did think I was on my last legs.

The doc said that usually when someone is bad you can tie it down roughly to one thing but with the amount of symptoms I was having he couldn't put it down to anything specific. I admitted that I felt I could be suffering with HA and he seemed to agree that this could be the case and has prescribed me 10mg citalopram saying that it should take the edge off it and make me calmer. He is also going to refer me to a gastroenteroligist for indigestion problems. I've told him that if the meds don't work I will be back in a fortnight as I cannot carry on the way I am going.

I am still worried that maybe most of my symptoms are down to anxiety but one of them could still be something serious and without tests I won't know. Meant to ask if I could have some blood tests or something to rule out anything serious but I forgot to ask, kinda wishing I had now.

Am also a little bit concerned about the citalopram. I was taking seroxat a few years ago which I was buying off the net (bad, bad idea!) but did not really suffer any ill effects so hoping I will be the same with this stuff which I believe is similar. I do drink heavily at the weekend so I think I will have to moderate this to begin with.

Long post and not much point to it but find it helps to write out how I'm feeling :blush:

23-09-09, 21:55
hi i am the same i have a long list,i have ha but worry some symptom could be serious but most are anxiety,go back to the doctors,reassure yourself.take care x