View Full Version : Shakey all over.

23-09-09, 22:30
It seems to be one thing after another at the moment, and everything im experiencing is all new symptoms for me.
About 20 mins ago i just started shaking, 1st my hands then it just spread all over, im physical shaking, my hands are going 10 to the dozen!! I feel abit giddy also.
I made myself a sweet tea, as i dont have a lot of sugar i thought it might be that but its still happening.
Should i be worried about this as it came out of nowhere and all of a sudden?? Anybody else like this??

Debs xx

23-09-09, 22:37
I must admit I do find I feel shakey all of a sudden for "no apparent reason" but I do think when you suffer anxiety even when we think we are relaxed,there's a still a bit a sneaky anxety going on without us knowing and our bodies are trying to compensate for our overworked minds!

I have noticed from time time my hands will feel shakey and when I hold them out it travles up my arms so much so,I find it hard to make some tea or hold a cup or anything and getting ustairs too as my legs go the same way.

It dies down as fast it comes on though. I really don't understand it but I'm happy it does not last!


23-09-09, 23:18
Oh thanks Wee-Mee, thought i was going abit crazy there!!! wondered what was going on! Its gone now (thank god), but my legs were all shakey like you said when i was going upstairs, it was horrible.
Thank you 4 replying, take care

Debs xx

23-09-09, 23:29
hi debs, yes i too have this sort of symptom when i am particulary anxious so much so that it has even been known for my teeth to chatter, and paradoxically the more i focus on it the worse it gets.... distraction is what works for me - i find that works for all my anxiety symptoms i usually put on a good old family type dvd and really concentrate on it and before i know it i am feeling fine.. x x x

23-09-09, 23:45
Hi Kathee, thank you, its good to know others feel this way 2. Like i said a few sypmtoms recently have been new for me so its been quite a anxious time. I distract myself with music, so like you distraction is 1 of my ways to deal with things 2. Take care, Debs xx

23-09-09, 23:54
you're welcome hun x

24-09-09, 00:09
Hey kathee x
Title of your post reminds me of a song!!!
Take care honey its only the anx up to its tricks!