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24-09-09, 00:50
Hello I am J and I just found this site.
I am 30 yrs old, living in NY, USA. I hope it's alright that I am not located in UK:blush:

I suffer from agoraphobia and Generalized anxiety disorder.
I am housebound from time to time..more like a phase more than anything...
I need to get better but I think I am almost out of hope..

Well, I am still trying

25-09-09, 10:00
:welcome: J

You are not alone!

I hope this forum will be helpful to you.

All the best

Speak to you soon


25-09-09, 21:57

Don't lose hope. :hugs: You can get well again given time and acceptance of your symptoms. Have you read any of the Claire Weeke's books? If not buy one, read it from cover to cover, and highlight any passages that make you feel better. My mum had agoraphobia many years ago and this book helped her so much. She's still never at home now!! You can live with general anxiety. It's all about accepting the symptoms so that they don't have the same importance. So please, don't give up hope. You can do it! You'll get loads of support here. It makes you feel normal when you read other's posts. We're all in the same boat!! Keep paddling!

26-09-09, 00:42
Hello & welcome -:)
don't loose hope I am sure there is a light at the end of the tunnel-:)
the people on this forum r a great support
be positive
take care