View Full Version : I am going away and am panicking

24-09-09, 06:59
I am flying to Australia for a holiday.Panicking at the thought of being away from home, please help me as it is too late to pull out of arrangements.

Veronica H
24-09-09, 08:40
:bighug1: This anticipatory anxiety is familiar to many of us as we attempt something out of our comfort zone. I promise that the reality will not be as uncomfortable as the anticipation....it never is. As the great Dr Weekes says 'We build our own crisis'. It is normal to be excited about a trip but this feeling is the same as anxiety...it is just how we perceive it that makes the difference. Accept the 'butterflies' as I promise you will feel great that you kept going...have a lovely break. Let us know how it goes.


25-09-09, 08:57
Thank you so much Veronica .I do feel a lot happier after reading your reply.
It is a great comfort to know others share these feelings.:)
I will post a message if I get a chance while in Perth, otherwise as soon as I return home.Thank you again...Pam

25-09-09, 12:43
You will be fine the worst bit is the waiting like Veronica said ..just think how lucky you are to go to a hot and sunny country like Australia ..you will have lots of nice food you will see beautiful places :-)

I went to Mexico couple of years ago and I was so stressed didn't know if I could cope being away ...but I did it and the worst bit was actually created by my mind ...I had a lovely time ..slept a lot and read lots of books..
Have a lovely time and enjoy

we are here if you need


26-09-09, 02:44
Thank you Fran , I do need you and your comforting words.It is good to hear
you were stressed as I am at the moment, yet had a good holiday . As Veronica said we create our own crisis, anticipating trouble.I worry that I will get a panic attack knowing I can't return home.This thought really scares me.I want to go on holiday as I have not been on one for years, yet am stopping myself from any happy feelings about it.
Thank you again..Pam

26-09-09, 02:50
[quote=pcpamela;556110]Thank you Fran , I do need you and your comforting words.It is good to hear
you were stressed as I am at the moment, yet had a good holiday . As Veronica said we create our own crisis, anticipating trouble.I worry that I will get a panic attack knowing I can't return home.This thought really scares me.I want to go on holiday as I have not been on one for years, yet am stopping myself from any happy feelings about it.
Thank you again..Pam ..".Do the thing you are afraid to do ,and the death of fear is certain"- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

26-09-09, 03:53
Anticipatory anxiety is a pain. Try telling it that! Also recognise that the excitement and nerves about the journey are normal feelings, not precursors of panic.
I find it really helps to take a couple of items from home - a cushion, soft toy, favourite book, ipod of music that relaxes me - and then I take my home security with me. If I need to, I excuse myself for a rest and use these to calm me. A small item like a pen or pebble from your garden that you can always have on hand in your pocket will help to ground you too and remember - nowhere in the world is impossible to get home from if you really need to.
Hope you have fun!

26-09-09, 08:45
Thank you for replying Maddie, reminding me that I can come home at any time is a real help.I tended to see myself as trapped, realise now that I am free to leave if I need to.Hoping I will be fine and actually have a fun time.
I will post if I get the chance from Australia, otherwise once I return home.
I know it may help someone else if I have a positive feedback.
Many thanks to you lovely people, this site has truly helped me .

26-09-09, 10:10
Not the same but similar, last night I went to see 'Lord of the dance' in Manchester, I was dreading it, tried to get my hubby to go to a reunion instead. wanted to sell tickets, he refused and insisted I go. Panicky all day, scared etc,etc. Didnt start of well, place we went to eat was packed lift was late, my son was very anxious but I had a FANTASTIC time. I loved every min of the show, no stress, went for a drink after, I enjoyed the atmosphere. You'll have a great time once you get going, I think the anticipation and all the organising is the stressful part, but hey we've all been there. Have a great time.

26-09-09, 11:35
Hi Pam
you know when I have to go places far from home I tell myself that uf the worst come to the worst i can always call an anbulance and go to hospital ...I mean it has never happened but the tought conforts me
you will be fine and you will have a lovely
take good care of yourself
keep in touch

26-09-09, 17:57
I'm flying next saturday and I'm worried too. can you please post an update to tell me how you got on and what helped you? thanks.
for me I think we can do alot more than we think we can.
like i have never had a panic attack on a plane. i have been terrified but i managed it.
i also managed to be ok while on holidays with my family.
when your away from home you don't have a safey zone so in a way you are much more free ,

26-09-09, 17:58
oh and well done for going I know how hard it is for you!
but hey by the time you read this you will be well on your way!
oh and i hope it goes ok, you deserve to have fun! x

26-09-09, 21:21
Thank you mishel, I fly out on Tuesday.Good luck with your trip.It is hard for us to leave our comfort zone.My biggest help came from Veronica,she told me that it is never as bad as we anticipate, I have visualised the worst scenario
and scared myself totally.After reading her advice I am now telling myself to say stop to those scary thoughts.This site is a real help, just knowing we are not on our own does help....Pam

27-09-09, 09:44
One more day before I leave, still have butterflies and panicking moments.
The help and support you have given me has made me feel I can do this.
I am so grateful I found this site,knowing you understand is probably the biggest thing.

malcolm furneaux
27-09-09, 16:37
Yes I get bad anxiety when I've got to go away from my 'home patch' & my usual haunts many of which I use as kind of 'refuges'. This got lot worse after stress related illness in 2005 brought on by work. So u r not alone and I agree with all the other advice replies. Hope u enjoy Oz.

malcolm Furneaux

28-09-09, 09:06
Tomorrow I fly out of Auckland for Perth Australia.I will remember all the positive things you ladies have said.Still feeling nervous, but know I have to do this or I will never know if I can handle time away from my comfort Zone.
Thank you for your input it really has helped me.I will let you know how i am going, Hoping to use my brother in laws computer over there.Not looking foreward to the flight on my own, but heaps of people do and enjoy it.
Take care....pam:hugs:

28-09-09, 12:09
u will be ok...this might help put a elastic band around ya wrist and pull it so it and let go it will sting ya wrist but hopefully it will stop you panicking it works with me with my anxiety attacks.... have a gud hol !

29-09-09, 10:32
Funny you should post this
I'm flying from Brisbane to Christchurch for a weeks holiday in November and I'm panicing about the flight
I KNOW I'll be Ok but it's the anticipation.You'll probably find the same.
Phill :shades:

29-09-09, 10:41
I am from Perth originally and its a lovely place. You will have a great holiday there.

01-10-09, 15:23
I live in Australia its fine here dw about a ting

06-11-09, 06:12
I wrote for support as I was going to Australia for a holiday and was in a total panic.Had wonderful replies and want to thank you all.Have been on the holiday, at first I felt panicky being so far from home, but I thought of all the advice other sufferers had passed on to me.Had the best holiday of my life!!I can't find the site that I was on as you have changed things.Just wanted to pass on this message, nothing is as bad as we think it will be, once out of your comfort zone its amazing how you do grow stronger,don't let emotion ruin your life.What we do is let fear take over, I nearly did, then found the courage to fly, something that frightened me totally-I am claustrophobic and visit another country.I am so glad I did!!!Pcpamela...

28-08-11, 20:58
Having another problem.Have been good for two years, but recently had a bad flu suddenly traffic noise has started to bother me.I have lived here for 15 years and never noticed it before. will this go away, or should I ask for medication.Feeling really depressed at the moment.