View Full Version : Can't Stand Up For Falling Down!

24-09-09, 07:54
Hi All,

MMMmmmm, week 5 was getting better, head clearing & feeling more positive but here I am starting week 6 and one particular side effect seem to be returning with a vengence!

It's a bit delicate but it would be nice to know if anyone else wakes up at 5am with "the squits" every morning.

I'm wondering if this will pass or is it an allergic reaction to the Citalopram.

If any of you guys could comment I would be grateful.

I'm in too far now to stop just yet so I'm plodding on with the meds hoping I'll come out the other side soon.

Also are headaches a side effect or am I just getting "stress" headaches?

Please comment if you can.

All the best to you all - Keep The Faith.

Occy :doh:

24-09-09, 09:56
Hmmmm, bit difficult for me to comment - I was put on Citalopram because of anxiety brought to a head by 6 weeks of tummy troubles...

I will say, though, that the initial SE I had from the pills was dreadful diarrhoea, and I have continued to have the morning "rapid evacuation" every day since! A lot of it is down to anxiety, I think - with some IBS thrown in for good measure lol.

If you're only getting it first thing, I wouldn't be too worried.

24-09-09, 10:13
I'm on day 26 of 20mg cit , I still occasionally get headaches , never used to get them before unless I'd had too much to drink.
My plumbing for the last six months has woken me around 04:00 am each morning , but now I'm trying to stay in bed until 06:15 before I give into it.

24-09-09, 13:15
It used to make me the same in the morning to start with .I also used to want to pee a lot ..I think its because of the relaxation effect it has on the involuntary muscles .It does pass and Im back to normal now ..Sue x