View Full Version : just a few questions

24-09-09, 09:00
i have read that smoking and drinking caffeine only adds t the anxiety i really hope this isn't true does anyone know if this fact?:shrug:

24-09-09, 09:08

Yes sadly is Caffine is one of the worst things to have
on the smoking there is a spit thought that if you have a ciggie and it calms you down best to try and get rid of the anxiety first then try and give up

I gave up smoking about 4 years ago and still had anxiety gave up caffine about 2 months ago and deffinately feel better

hope that helps x

24-09-09, 12:21
Post removed by author

24-09-09, 13:11
Chris you are odd, brave but odd! :D

P.S. If you suffer from social anxiety please substitute the line below for the one above.

Chris that's really clever, what a smart idea!


All the best


24-09-09, 13:21
Post removed by author

24-09-09, 13:29
Chris substitute odd for down right weird!!!! :D

A wonderfully weird, welsh, maniacal paradox of anxiety and dread. :roflmao:

What ever you do, don't change. :D

All the best from an
only slightly less weird


24-09-09, 13:41
Post removed by author

24-09-09, 13:47
It does when you are a paradox! :D

24-09-09, 18:33
Caffeine def an anxiety inducer. Nothing more, nothing less

25-09-09, 02:32
i have read that smoking and drinking caffeine only adds t the anxiety i really hope this isn't true does anyone know if this fact?:shrug:

Personally I find that caffine via a cup of coffee to be very weak and mild. Drinking it all day though is a bit different.

And yes smoking is calming to the nerves and a de-stresser. That is medically proven. Supposedly it's from the deap breaths.

Many people including myself don't know what is wrong with them anxiety symptoms first hit, so they quit smoking. Bad move as that will make your anxiety worse. I quit both smoking and drinking and had nothing to cope with my anxiety so it got way worse. People don't realize just how much their smoking and drinking habits are due to their tendancy for stress/anxiety.

25-09-09, 02:42
Caffeine def an anxiety inducer. Nothing more, nothing less

I wouldn't say so. Coffee is very mild for many people. I drank 2 coffee's a day and didn't notice any difference after drinking them. I think skinny people who never drink it might be able to feel it, but not someone who has been drinking daily for years like me.

One of the true anxiety inducers from my own experience and reading other forums is definatly marijuana. That can give panic attacks to people who aren't even prone to getting them. I have tons of friends who had 'bad' experiences on weed and they resulted in panic attacks.

I myself when I was younger had my 2nd ever panic attack when smoking mj at someones house. I rarely ever smoked but I did smoke ciggarettes so I thought I would just keep smoking it like a ciggarette.

Bad move. That basically ended up with me not being able to breath and them calling the ambulance. The next day.. wow... i was completely light headed, dizzy, and out of it. I couldn't drive.

25-09-09, 12:04
Post removed by author

25-09-09, 12:38
I cut caffine completely out of my diet. It really makes a difference. For me its a no go!

25-09-09, 13:13
I've been drinking decaf tea which seems to have helped me. The only problem is that is doesn't taste as nice. I have stayed well clear of strong coffee!

25-09-09, 13:15
If we suggest that agoraphobia in its the most general definition to be the avoidance of something/somewhere for the purposes of reducing anxiety related states, as derived from the following information on this site ...

"Agoraphobia is not, as many people believe, just about open spaces. It is really a fear of being in any place or situation where the sufferer does not feel safe or where the sufferer feels trapped, and he/she is driven by an uncontrollable urge to escape to a place of safety which, in most cases, is his/her own home."

Avoidance of caffeine - The attempt to stay in the safe zone
Avoidance of going out - The attempt to stay in the safe zone

Are these simply the same thing? Granted one is chemical and one is environmental, but philosophically the same.

I'm confused

Caffiene stimulates the brain, which in turn can induce the anxiety, therefore steering clear of caffiene will avoid making the anxiety any worse.

26-09-09, 03:41
Avoidance of caffeine - The attempt to stay in the safe zone
Avoidance of going out - The attempt to stay in the safe zone

Are these simply the same thing?
I'm confused

Yes they are the same thing. Most people don't know what the real definition of agoraphobia is.

A cup of coffee will not cause anxiety. The agoraphobia will though.

I remember when I first started to get chest pains I didn't now what was wrong. So I read it could be gas. And I read that vegetables gave gas so I stopped eating veggies. No joke. I ate ONLY hot dogs for a while because they had no gas. So I finally started to get better becuase I figured since I wasn't eating veggies I wasn't gettign as much pain.

So one Friday night I got cocky and ate some chinese food with broccolli in it. Man. I was up at night, chest pains, panic attacks, couldn't sleep. Awful time. I thought it was the vegetables and didn't eat them after that at all until I got diagnosed.

After I was diagnosed at the ER, the Dr said 'eat whatever you want'. I was happy learning I didn't have anything serious after I was finally diagnosed. So I went to McDonalds and got Big Mac's, nuggets, chocolate shake.

I was fine.

Our foods don't cause us anxiety and panic - we do.

(yes I know drinking or eating very poor or getting little sleep can cause you to be more prone to anxiety the next day, I'm talking about eating/drinking and then during or right after getting panic attacks because you just ate or drank something)